Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Words Mean Something?

Words Do Mean Something – GOD’s Word Even More So
by py thomas © April 2, 2013

 A wise person values the importance of words – the power behind them, the context in how they should be used; and will avail themselves to diligently search out the meaning of words so that they are used in their proper context to achieve the desired results when communicated.   You will see my appreciation of language and desire to understand the Word given in scripture from its original context and language; including the proper transliteration.  But even with this knowledge, one can only truly discern remembrance all things that I said to you.”    ELOHIM’s (Creator & Judge) word is spirit and can only be the Bible,  by revelation through the Holy Spirit, as Yeshua (Jesus) said in John 14:26, “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your understood through the power of the Holy Spirit.   You will note that when I’m sharing insights that I will typically interject word studies in the lessons and observations to not only help my own understanding, but so that you hopefully, can also better understand the full context of what is being conveyed.

Why do I share?  Because it’s what I’ve been called to be and do.  I love ELOHIM and Yeshua; and value and treasure the Holy Spirit as He indeed teaches me all things, and leads me along the paths of righteousness for His (ELOHIM’s) namesake and glory!  I am one of ADONAI’s (the Lord’s) maidservants; humbled and thankful for His tremendous mercy and grace He has shown me through His long-suffering patience and forgiveness of my sins.

Truly, GOD loved what He originally created in the beginning before the sin of rebellion and deception entered in through Adam and Eve from Satan.  I rejoice along with many others that ELOHIM made provision through Yeshua‘s innocent, pure blood to be shed as the penalty for OUR sins, that we might receive forgiveness and have an opportunity to be conformed into His image; no longer separated from GOD;  to be numbered in the corporate Body of Yeshua the Messiah – the Bride, which He is coming back for “…without spot, wrinkle or blemish…” (Ephesians 5:27).   What a glorious promise that we can actually choose to spend eternity with the LORD; and not face eternal death for all that has been corrupted by sin,.  For who can come into the presence of a Holy God, contaminated with the stains of sin?  No one, not one.  Because of Yeshua,  we are afforded an opportunity to be made holy (obedient) and have power to say “no” to sin and choose His righteousness…this to me is the beauty of “His mercies being new every morning…” another opportunity to push toward the goal of our high calling in Him.

I pray that the studies observations that I post on this Blog will bless you and cause you, like myself, to daily consider our ways before our Creator and daily consider the covenant we entered into with Him.   This precious covenant of forgiveness that leads to eternal life – the gift of salvation carried a hefty price tag - it cost Yeshua His life; and the cost for us will require our dying to our old sinful nature daily, while renewing our minds and spirit so that they will be shaped, trained and disciplined into Yeshua’s image. 

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