Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Some Study Tools & Resources for Studying the WORD

Study Tools
by py thomas © April 2, 2013

The most important study tool I’ve utilized to date has been prayer.  Starting with prayer and inviting the Holy Spirit to teach me during my time of study and to open my understanding; and then closing in prayer by thanking Him for helping me and solidifying the prayer by asking Him to ensure that the Word of ELOHIM falls on good soil, and yields the fruit of the Spirit in me – that I’ll be more and more willing to surrender to His will for my life for His glory and namesake. 

A reference tool that I also use is the Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, which was the version of English used in the King James transliteration of the Bible.  As I understand it, it is the closest English translation from the original biblical Hebrew into English.  There are of course some inaccuracies in the translations, as the ancient biblical Hebrew language conveyed thoughts, concepts and numerical values that many other languages( including English, Greek and Latin) that do not have an adequate translation of the thoughts and culture transliterated from biblical Hebrew into other languages.  However, as mentioned, the Kings James Version of the Bible, with the help of the Webster’s 1828 Dictionary are a great tool for helping with the study of the New Testament.  For the Old Testament, the Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance for the Bible provides the original Hebrew word and its meanings to help with your study.    There are other resources available, but these are two very basic ones that I’ve found to be very helpful.

More than anything, I encourage all who desire to understand the Word of GOD, which is spirit, to first enter into covenant with Him through His Son, so that they will have the Holy Spirit to help bring the needed revelation; and receive the conviction to not only have the head knowledge, but to allow the Word of GOD to transform and conform their lives into the image of Yeshua. 
In His name, py thomas

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