Monday, April 1, 2013

Love & Crickets

This is my first blog, and I wanted to start small.  I have a gazillion thoughts that cross the network called my brain during my waking moments, as well as when I'm asleep.  Some of those thoughts, I felt are worth sharing, others would most likely make the reader go insane (smile).  It's a dangerous thing at times to visit the inside of my mind...or at least that's what I've been told.
I've just begun writing a book that I hope to have my readers on the edge of their seats and taking them on an excursion of excitement, tension, love, action and the makings of a good story.  I will post periodically the status of my progress, with the hopes that those who follow me, will encourage me to press pass those moments of writer's block and all the frailties associated with the human condition. 
One of my other writing projects is entitled, "Spiritual Breadcrumbs," which I hope to publish one great day, deals with those spiritual nuggets we should keep in our pockets, just as in the children's fairytale about Hansel and Gretel, where the breadcrumbs in their pockets proved to be a path back home; and we likewise can find our way back to a path of peace during those times when we have strayed from the "straight and narrow."
For those romantics out there, here is one of my spiritual breadcrumbs for you.  I hope you enjoy and stash in your pocket.
You can’t chase love.  Love comes to you.  Chasing love is just as foolish as chasing crickets…as soon as you get close, it hops away. - by py thomas (c) April 1, 2013