Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Problem with You & Racism?

Got Problems, Got Racism, Got Sin?  Get Torah – Get Y'shua
by py thomas
© December 4, 2014

Here's my two cents worth on Ferguson, New York City and all the other places on this planet where the SIN of racism is rampant. I've read and heard people talking about "raising their hands" as a sign/gesture of what happened to the young man killed in Ferguson. Well, I say that while you're lifting your hands up...lift them up to ELOHIM - Creator & Righteous Judge (GOD)’s time for the true Followers of Y'shua (Jesus) to fast and pray...we know what the Word of YHVH says about spiritual warfare...we're not fighting flesh and blood...but powers & principalities... Here's your big chance to put all your learning into action...many are called, but few will enter in...Which will you be?

“A prudent man forsees evil and hides himself;  The simple pass on and are punished.”
(Proverbs 27:12)

·         Prudent 6175 (6191) – Hebrew word, “aruwm (aw-room)”; to be very aware, to deal subtilly

o   SUB'TILLY, adv. Thinly; not densely.   1. Finely; not grossly or thickly.   2. Artfully; cunningly; craftily; as a scheme subtilly contrived. 

·         Forseeth (Foresees) 7200 – Hebrew word, “raah (raw aw); to see (discern, perceive, consider)

·        Hides 5641 – Hebrew word, “cathar (saw-thar)”; to hide by covering

·        Simple 6612 – Hebrew word “pethaiy (peth-aw-ee); from 6601 to make simple in a sinister way

·        Pass 5674 -  Hebrew word, “abar (aw-bar)” to cross - cover and ignore; pass by

·       Punished  6064 – Hebrew word, “anash (aw-nash)”; to urge; by impl. to inflict a penalty - condemned to punishment

·       Evil 7451 (7489) – Hebrew word, “ra” (rah); from 7489, bad, adversity, calamity, hurt, trouble, wretchedness, wrong, to spoil, to make good for nothing; i.e. bad physically or morally.

Making it Plain & Keeping it Simple
A "very aware" person is able to discern evil and has the wisdom to hide themself with the covering of YHVH.  So what makes a person to be “very aware?”  Only YHVH’s Word – His Torah makes men wise – to be very aware.

However, those who have been seduced into sinister-like thinking (blinded by the ruler of darkness of this age – the simple) willfully cover, ignore and then pass into evil without a thought; and because of this, will be condemned to punishment. Otherwise known as one who has formed a reprobate mind – a mind sealed in the transgression of their sin – no longer able to even discern that area of their life as sin - its when YHVH is no longer speaking to them about their sin.  (Its what I called "signed sealed & delivered to eternal death). 

Without the Ruach speaking to us, we are left to our own devices, which sadly is the fallen sin nature we were born with.  There is no hope for change or redemption once we go down the slippery slope of the reprobate mind - it is when our rebellion is so extreme, that we call the abominable/profane holy, and the holy profane/abominable.    
The subtlety of a reprobate mind, is that because they can still discern right from wrong in other areas, yet they still think the sin they’ve embraced is no longer sin, but calling that which is wrong, right.  A good example of this would be the false justification for abortion (murder of innocent life); yet trumpet the rights of animals being treated cruelly.  Another would be the false justification of sexual immoral sins (fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, incest), yet believe in being good stewards over the environment…get the point?

This proverb is directly telling us that it is only a person who is aware and in tune with truth (YHVH’s WORD) that can discern evil.  There is no (truthful) discernment apart from the Ruach; there is no Ruach apart from Y’shua; and there is no Y’shua without the Father YHVH.  One can only recognize and take the correct action against evil with the discernment of the Ruach.  That is why the “prudent” know where and who to go to for protection/covering from evil, and those who practice evil.  

The Conclusion of the Matter
Are you prudent, or simple?  Will you take note and discern the seasons we’re experiencing in connection with what the prophets of YHVH have left on record for us; and likewise respond with the call to fast and pray?  Or, will you be simple, take on the behavior of the rebellious and continue to go in the way of lying and foolishly think you will escape punishment from the One who created all things (including you)?  If you’re alive and reading this today, you have a chance to begin with this…

My son, do not forget My Torah, and let your heart watch over My commands; 2For length of days and long life and peace they add to you. 3Let not kindness and truth forsake you – Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, 4Thus finding favor and good insight In the eyes of Elohim (G-d) and man.

5Trust in YHVH with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6Know Him in ALL your ways, and He makes ALL your paths straight. 7Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear YHVH and turn away from evil. (Proverbs 3:1-7)

Monday, November 17, 2014


Pure Evil – Do You Recognize It?
by py thomas
(c) November 17, 2014


Let me start out saying that this post came from a place of vexation I was experiencing from the constant news feeds from YHVH’s people on social media. Nothing wrong with that in of itself, but few ever comment or provide any biblical insight as to how things have gotten to the place that they have.  I recognize that sometimes it is done intentionally to spark discussion, debates or for the shock factor.  However, it periodically really disturbs and grieves my spirit to the point of prayer.  Thus, I subsequently sought the Holy Spirit for understanding.  This is what was laid on my heart.  It’s sobering...but we all (self included) need the godly sorrow that yields repentance.  Our hope and judgment are all in verses 17 and 18 of Psalms 9.  We would be well-served and serve others well by taking heed (self included).


16 YHVH is known by the judgment He executes;
The wicked is snared in the work of his own hands.

Meditation.  Selah.

17 The wicked shall be turned into hell,
And all the nations that forget Elohim.
18 For the needy shall not always be forgotten;
The expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.

19 Arise, O YHVH,
Do not let man prevail;
Let the nations be judged in Your sight.
20 Put them in fear, O YHVH,
That the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah

(Psalms 9:16-19)

 WARNING:  This may stir your spirit to actually do something right...

It is pure evil - the legislating and legalization of sin (as it was in the days of Noah).  We need to wake-up and consider the great sins that are already on the table against the U.S. The continued murdering of the innocent unborn babies in the womb, is just one of several great SINS the U.S. now faces and will be under great judgment and those who support and endorse evil.    Yes, ISIS and others are appointed for the Body of Messiah to wake us up…this is occurring on our watch…we’re supposed to be the salt of the earth – the representation of Yeshua’s righteousness!  …Woe, woe and woe - how we continue to grieve the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit).

9And when He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the beings of those having been slain for the Word of Elohim and for the witness which they held, 10and they cried with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Master, set-apart and true, until You judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth?”

11And there was given to each one a white robe, and they were told that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brothers, who would be killed as they were, was completed.” (Revelation 6:9-11)

These are martyred souls too – they were the innocent victims of those persecuting all that YHVH values – the sacredness of life; another commandment ignored (Thou shall not murder.)  Their souls are also crying out from beneath the altar. 
a (Jesus) reminds us in Matthew 5:21-22 of YHVH’s commandment (note: just another
example of YHVH’s commandments still being valid and therefore we don’t have a license to sin, along with a “get out of jail free card” – life is not simply a board game…)

21 “You have heard that our fathers were told, ‘Do not murder,’ and that anyone who commits murder will be subject to judgment. 22 But I tell you that anyone who nurses anger against his brother will be subject to judgment; that whoever calls his brother, ‘You good-for-nothing!’ will be brought before the Sanhedrin; that whoever says, ‘Fool!’ incurs the penalty of burning in the fire of Gei-Hinnom (hell)!” (Matthew 5:21-22)

May YHVH (GOD) continue to be long-suffering with us until His appointed time of Yeshua’s return...I pray that some of you truly have ears to hear and eyes to see beyond just the world’s news; and tune into the GOOD NEWS of the Torah (Elohim (God’s guidelines for righteous living) and Yeshua the Messiah (known to some as Jesus Christ) – that we might be conformed into His image – dying to self daily so Yeshua can increase that much more in us. 

- Join me in learning to be willing to suffer for His namesake.

Shalom (YHVH’s perfecting peace) to those near and to those far off.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Are You Strong? Are You Sure You're Strong?

I am Not a Strong Woman
by py thomas
© November 10, 2014


News Flash:  I am not a strong woman.  Yet, I have heard this many times over the course of my “adult” life from those who know me, or others that I later discover have observed how I was handling one of life’s circumstances (and in some cases, not very well).   But to their defense, I will don the mind and face of leadership when the situation requires it – but even then, it is the leadership of the Holy Spirit directing my pathway…(other than my agreement to allow Yeshua to lead this frame made of dust (me).

The only moments of true strength I’ve ever displayed or had, were in my times of brokenness…when another layer of me surrendered and I agreed with Yeshua to nail it to the tree of crucifixion – to die to self, so He (Yeshua) could rise up in me and become my strength.  Heck, I wouldn’t even do that, had it not been for the Holy Spirit persistently prompting me through His still small voice to cry out to YHVH – the One who hears and answers the cries of His children.

My greatest weakness has been my greatest source of strength.  Because when I’m willing to be honest and know that unless YHVH says so, it’s not going to happen.  This is the point of recognition and reverence – understanding who I now belong to, and the importance and application of His Torah (guidelines for righteous living) in my life.  I have no excuse…Yeshua is our example…I just need to follow His lead by connecting His word to my mind, body, soul and spirit to demonstrate my love and thanksgiving to YHVH.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road.  While we try to manipulate our circumstances towards a favorable outcome for ourselves, I’m a witness to the truth that it becomes a vanity and a waste if it is outside the will of YHVH.  Like most of us, I’ve tried to be the captain of my own ship, when the ship (ark) never belonged to me to begin with!  The architect and builder of my ship is Yeshua.   If anything, it is during these realizations that I see the futility of my actions; and am reminded that the love poured out for me in Yeshua’s crucifixion is more than enough, and I simply need to stop thinking more highly of myself than I ought to; remembering that I was the one in need of forgiveness and redemption for all areas of my life. 
It’s the sobering breaking in our hearts of who Yeshua is; and who we are not, which truly gives us strength – His strength. 

My personal strength has an expiration date on it – with limitations and a short shelf life.   However, YHVH tells me that I can do all things through Messiah Yeshua who strengthens me (note:  not me strengthening myself, but Yeshua strengthening me).  And, at the point of my believing this; and by choosing to obey and follow the Holy Spirit's direction, it is in that very moment when people see strength – HIS (Yeshua) and not mine (I have no strength apart from saying “yes” to HIM). 

So, my meditation and focus one day at a time is found in Psalms 34:15-22:

15 The eyes of YHVH are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry
16 The face of YHVH is against those who do evil,

To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

17 The righteous cry out, and YHVH hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,

And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But YHVH delivers him out of them all.

20 He guards all his bones;

Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
22 YHVH redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned

It is my prayer that the Word of YHVH will not return void, but accomplish the purpose(s) for which it was sent over 2,000 years ago by our Jewish Messiah, Yeshua when His WORD willing gave up His life for me and the world for our sin so that those who have believed can be forgiven and freed to live the set-apart life in accordance with the Torah (YHVH’s guidelines for righteous living).

May the Shalom (perfecting peace) of YHVH be ever present to you and to those far off.

In His awesome & mighty name,

one of many maidservants of Messiah Yeshua… py thomas

Friday, November 7, 2014

Unsatisfied Beast

The Unsatisfied BeastYour Carnal Mind
by py  thomas
© November 6, 2014


Psalm 3:1-8 is King David’s prayer regarding his plight when having to flee from his own son and his son’s co-conspirators.   The back story to Psalm 3 contains a lot of family drama, which includes rape, isolation of rape victim, fleeing the law, rebellion against the family patriarch, murder/death of the one who avenged the rape of his sister, by committing murder of his half brother.   That is certainly enough to cause anyone to be on their knees seeking ELOHIM.  Here’s his prayer:

Adonai, how they have increased who trouble me!
Many are they who rise up against me.
2 Many are they who say of me,
There is no help for him in Elohim.” Selah

3 But You, O Adonai, are a shield for me,
My glory and the One who lifts up my head.
4 I cried to Adonai with my voice,
And He heard me from His holy hill. Selah

5 I lay down and slept;
I awoke, for Adonai sustained me.
6 I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people
Who have set themselves against me all around.

7 Arise, O Adonai;
Save me, O my Elohim!
For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone;
You have broken the teeth of the ungodly.
8 Salvation belongs to the Adonai.
Your blessing is upon Your people.   Selah  (Psalm 3:1-8)

This Psalm is a great reminder of YHVH’s faithfulness of how mindful He is of those in covenant relationship with Him.  How many of us have ever felt a level of betrayal from those closest to us?  Has it been to the degree that your own flesh and blood seeks your life, or has very little concern to your personal safety or welfare?  This particular account of the betrayal David was experiencing  was coming from a son he adored,  Abshalom.   Yet, his love for Abshalom did not waiver, even though his son treated him like an adversary (enemy).  Can this be said about us - even if we are fleeing or avoiding one that is oppressing us (a family member to boot!), can we still love them, pray for them?   

Keep in mind this was not David’s first experience of betrayal – remember, he first was being pursued by Saul, the first King of Isra’el – the one he would ultimately replace.  But David never lifted a hand or spoke disrespectfully against ELOHIM’s anointed and appointed authority, even though he had the opportunity to kill Saul – he did not.  David waited and trusted  YHVH.  Many of us would have said, “My mother didn’t raise any fools; or I’m tired of these people in my family,; or worst yet,  I’ll handle this myself…I know how to shut them down…etc.”  The temptation and challenge for Followers of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah is to wait on YHVH.  It truly is not only a good thing to wait on YHVH, but it means we understand that the answers that are for our good regarding our situation comes from Him – and that we BELIEVE that Yeshua is truly seated at the right hand of the Father ELOHIM, making intercession for us.  This is where the rubber meets the road in refining us and teaching us how and why we should trust YHVH to deliver us no matter what.  He did promise to never leave us, nor forsake us.  We need to believe it as David did.

The details of David’s persecution from his son and how it all got started are found in Chapters 13 through 19 of 2 Samuel.    Well worth the read for those of you who have wrongfully suffered at the hands of family and those closest to you. 

The following are some my observations  from chapters 13 through 19 of 2 Samuel, where  the account of King David, daughter Tamar, sons Amnon and  Abshalom and a host of others is left on record for our learning and instruction.  Oh that men would  love YHVH’s Word, His statutes and precepts to the point of  meditating on it during their waking moments…seeking to adorn their soul and minds with godly wisdom – given freely to all who ask.

Observations & Considerations - Chapters 13 through 19 of 2 Samuel

·         Jonadab (King David’s nephew and amnon’s cousin) put the scheme in amnon’s head on how he could sleep with abshalom’s sister, Tamar (see 2 Samuel 13:3-5)

·         After amnon puts Jonadab’s plan into action to lure Tamar to his home; and then his bedroom to rape her, we see later him in verse 32 playing up to David to console him to let him know that all of his sons weren’t killed by abshalom, but only amnon!  Can you believe that!  Amnon was just as responsible for amnon’s death than Abshalom because of the evil counsel he provided amnon.  However, Amnon could have rejected the counsel – he made his choice; and rationalized his sin.

·         The anatomy of sin and spirit of the anti-Messiah is in full swing and operating through Jonadab, (creating confusion to divert attention from the evil that is really in operation)  - and it continues.

35 And Jonadab said to the king, “Look, the king’s sons are coming; as your servant said, so it is.” (2 Samuel 13:35)

·         Initially David was very angry to hear of the rape of Tamar, but did not take action…it was his son Abshalom who would later avenge the defilement of Tamar.

39King David then longed to go to Abshalom, for he had been comforted concerning Amnon, because he was dead.”  (2 Samuel 13:39)

·         Joab’s best intentions were based on his concern and loyalty to King David to set up a plan to bring Abshalom home because David was so grieved by his leaving (see 2 Samuel 14:1-21) – Joab had good intentions, but what was the result of those intentions?

o   Joab enlists the help of a wise woman named Tekoa

o   Tekoa was wise enough to tell the truth when David discerned that Joab was behind the ploy (see 2 Samuel 14:18-19)

o   Abshalom waited two years before he avenged his sister’s rape; and after two years of his being brought back to Jerusalem by Joab, Abshalom sent to see his father via Joab (twice), but David did not come either time.  (see 2 Samuel 14:28-29)

o   Abshalom felt that Joab was not being forthcoming in going to King David to deliver the message that he wanted to see him.  How do we know this?  (See 2 Samuel 14:30-33). 

o   After Joab’s fields were burned at Abshalom’s orders, Joab figured out a way to get the King to agree to see Abshalom (self preservation  and self-interest can be an effective motivator).

o   Abshalom’s return to Jerusalem would ultimately lead to treason against his own father – King David.  

Carnality is the Unsatisfied Beast

Why would Abshalom return David’s forgiveness and kindness with treason?  Sound familiar?  Consider what happened to Lucifer at the beginning – his treason and rebellion against YHVH.  It would serve all of us well to consider how Yeshua’s  (Jesus’) forgiveness and kindness is many times returned by us in a form of treason.  For example, when we want to take over and be in control (not waiting on YHVH); when we are no longer willing to respect the authority in our lives because of our own selfish desires (impatience, greed, thirst for power, choosing a mate, etc.), don’t want to wait to on YHVH.

Too much self-love  and pride proved to be major sins and character flaws in Abshalom.  Note 2 Samuel 14:25-26, we see the great adoration Abshalom received from Isra’el because of his good looks.  It is a warning to us to praise people’s outward appearance should be tempered with wisdom because typically, most can’t handle it and it goes to their head – so much so, that they have a difficult time when others don’t continuously give them that type of attention.  It drives a need for more…carnality is never quenched.

Abshalom missed a very important lesson.  It is clear he never embraced the wisdom of  “Godliness with contentment is great gain.” (1 Timothy 6:6)

o   Abshalom’s treason-based practices continued for the next 40 years  - purely to steal the hearts of the men of Israel.  Doesn’t sound like Abshalom understand that “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”  His soulish man wanted more power, more adoration…not being content with godliness allows one’s carnal nature to be in control – carnality is never satisfied.

o   With Abshalom’s dissatisfaction with his lot in life – he left an opening for deceitfulness (see 2 Samuel 15:8-11)

o   He did go to “serve” YHVH.  Note that the word “serve” is the Hebrew word, “abad” (5647); and it means to be a worshipper, a bondservant, a slave, to serve (see 2 Samuel 15:8)

o   He did become a worshipper because it is confirmed in 2 Samuel 15:12.  Yet we also see that his worship was corrupt and profane, because he continued in his rebellion against YHVH’s appointed authority, which also happened to be his father.  His practice of dishonoring his father, King David, would ultimately prove to be the foreshadowing of his days about to be cut short, and things not going well with him.

When King David was fleeing, those loyal to him in truth went with him.  I say in truth, because note Ittai the Gittite’s response (2 Samuel 15:19-21). 

o   Ittai’s response acknowledged the true and living Elohim.  He had seen and known the Elohim of Israel to be with them.  He recognized truth and victory and wanted that.   

o   This is also true for those who follow and truly obey as Yeshua did.  He is YHVH’s Truth and in truth (the covenant of salvation in Yeshua), we have the promise of victory. 

o   Likewise, those who love the false (lies & deceit) are operating in darkness (sin), which leads to death and destruction.  Selah. 

o   David also took with him the priest Zadok, ALL the Levites; and the Ark of the Covenant of YHVH.  (What do you take aside with you when dealing with persecution?  Habits or Yeshua?)

o   When David makes his destination – the top of the mountain – he doesn’t beat his chest in foolish pride, but instead, humbles himself and worships ELOHIM (see 2 Samuel 15:32).  (Can this be said of us?  (Do we acknowledge YHVH in All of our ways – so we don’t lean/rely on our own understanding?)

o   In David’s worship, YHVH responds with more provision - He provides David not only with strategies to know what to do, but the resources to accomplish the strategy. (LIGHTBULB!!!) see 2 Samuel 15:25-37; and 16:1-2 (resources to sustain David and his men)

The closer David comes to dealing with the challenge at hand with his Son Abshalom, the more distractions are being presented (spiritual warfare tactic of the Enemy).  However, David’s response showed his continued focus, reliance and hope on YHVH for deliverance.  He picked and chose wisely  his battles.  Read 2 Samuel 16:10-12.

However, YHVH does not forget those who are diligently seeking Him, including those seeking Him regarding their enemies.  YHVH is seeking an opportune time to deal with those who are enemies to His people. 

14 So Absalom and all the men of Israel said, “The advice of Hushai the Archite is better than the advice of Ahithophel.” For YHVH had purposed to defeat the good advice of Ahithophel, to the intent that the YHVH might bring disaster on Absalom. (2 Samuel 17:14).

o   WARNING:  Carnal spirits are drawn to bad advisors and faulty counsel  (see this in 2 Samuel 16:21-23).

o   Joab stuck with David (see 2 Samuel 18:2).  It is important to remember  that Abshalom set his fields on fire because he didn’t think Joab pushed hard enough initially for him to get an audience with his father, David.  Also, Abshalom made the guy (Amasa) who slept with his sister’s daughter the captain of his army instead of Joab (so much for gratitude – no loyalties to others just self – the sign of a carnal-led mind   (see 2 Samuel 17:25)

o   The irony of Abshalom’s death is that his physical attribute that was seen as desireable (his hair) is the thing that got caught in the tree brush and made him accessible to be killed (see 2 Samuel 18:9-15).

In the end, it’s a sobering reminder to us to consider these key points:

1.       Understand that our best / good intentions are not to always be acted upon – take counsel first in prayer and the Word of ELOHIM.

2.       A carnal mind that has not surrendered to the Torah will be drawn to unwise counsel  - it is a mind that has not wanted nor understood that “Godliness with contentment is great gain.”

3.       There is great benefit to waiting on YHVH to fight your battles, which means you’ve placed yourself in a place of obedience.  

4.       It is in obedience to YHVH that you will be able to see and hear the Holy Spirit give you the strategies and instructions  to go with the provisions made by YHVH to accomplish His will, plan and purposes for your life.

Joab’s loyalties were based on the statutes of the commandments…he did not allow his emotions from stopping him from the doing the right thing.  However, we have on record of this particular instance of doing “his one right thing” (when mixed with his emotions in trying to bridge the estrangement between David & Abshalom) would ultimately put David’s life at risk, and end Abshalom’s life.
Therefore, look beyond and past your situations until your vision becomes locked and focused on Yeshua, Your Redeemer, pray to Him and He will make intercession for you to the Father in Heaven…your answer is never in your situations or circumstances…it is always found beyond them…the great beyond is Our Father, who is in heaven, so we should hallow His name because He is holy.  adonai hears and answers the prayers of His people – it’s been guaranteed by and through Yeshua’s innocent shed blood on our behalf.
Shalom to those near and to those far off.