Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stripped Bare & Exposed

Going Public – The Big Reveal
by py thomas
© July 27, 2013

The reason for exposure in the seasons of wilderness when we are stripped raw and bare for all to see is for the power and might of YHVH to be manifested to all those that have been witnesses to our sufferings, our trials, our tests. 
“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of the Messiah’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:12-13)

 If Yeshua (Jesus) is your leader, then wisdom says that you should consider that He too had to go through the wilderness.  His wilderness experiences was having to take on sinful flesh, coming to the earth and endure many things for the sake of YHVH’s chosen people ( Isra’el and the Church (Gentiles))  – to the point of His beating, scourging and laying down His life to the point of His death for us.  Yeshua’s unconditional love surpassed the uncomfortableness of His wilderness sufferings and trials.  WhenYeshua’s wilderness ended in His death and resurrection, our lives now have a chance to begin - with the final victory and destiny being the new Heavens and new Earth with Him for all of eternity.  Selah.

Be encouraged, because your public exposure is not designed for humiliation, but for the vindication of the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY, for His namesake, glory and praise.  This is what it means to be a partaker in the sufferings of Yeshua.  Selah.

If you are not able to see this truth, then there is a need for greater submission, surrender and obedience in your life, because we can only recognize and see this truth when we are willing to surrender to obedience.  I know this to be true from my own personal experience and the Word of the LORD. 

We have many witnesses whose lives attest to this truth recorded in the Bible, and in those around us in our lives and families.  Those that choose to submit to the authority of YHVH during the seasons of wilderness have YHVH’s ear when they pray.  For example, I’d encourage you to study and consider Moses’ prayers noted in Deuteronomy 9:18-20, 22-29; 10:10-11.  He went through a season of personal wilderness for 40 years to be prepared to lead YHVH’s chosen people through an additional 40 years of a wilderness experience.

So if you’re in need of encouragement, your emotional state healed, Yeshua (Jesus) performed many miracles and healing on the Sabbath, in particular laying down His life on the Shabbat (Sabbath).  This Shabbat is a good day to start or press the “reset” button in your walk of faith, while you still have breath in your body. 

It’s yours for the asking.   You can have the reassurance needed and have your faith built up in the knowledge and truth that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY vindicates those in the seasons of wilderness so His deliverance will be a witness, comfort and inspiration to others that they might come to faith in Yeshua, and know and reverence their creator, ELOHIM.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Are You Producing Fruit of the Spirit or Firewood?

It’s a Choice – Fruitful or Firewood
by py thomas
© July 22, 2013

 As Yeshua was facing His impending crucifixion, He gave instructions to His disciples regarding YHWH’s expectations and requirements of those who will choose to remain in covenant relationship with Him.  We need to consider this choice as well.  Will we choose to remain branches connected to the Vine, Yeshua?  Are we up for pruning, cutting back – the decreasing of self, so more of Yeshua can increase in us?  Are we willing to let go more and more?  Forgive more and more, pray more, study more?  It’s going to cost us something, it cost Yeshua everything, but are we willing truly to do this?  Or, will we become like the rich young ruler, and be saddened in our spirits upon learning about YHWH’s requirements and draw a line in the sand, and say, “enough, I’m not willing to go any further…I done enough.”

Unfortunately, many of us want His blessings, but not His requirements – we want something for nothing; and there is nothing free in creation – everything has a price.

“I am the real vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2 Every branch which is part of me but fails to bear fruit, he cuts off; and every branch that does bear fruit, he prunes, so that it may bear more fruit. 3 Right now, because of the word which I have spoken to you, you are pruned. 4 Stay united with me, as I will with you — for just as the branch can’t put forth fruit by itself apart from the vine, so you can’t bear fruit apart from me.

5 I am the vine and you are the branches. Those who stay united with me, and I with them, are the ones who bear much fruit; because apart from me you can’t do a thing. 6 Unless a person remains united with me, he is thrown away like a branch and dries up. Such branches are gathered and thrown into the fire, where they are burned up. (John 15:1-6)

If we are bearing the righteous fruit of salvation, we will be pruned.  The pruning process often involves trials and tests because as in times past, those that seek the LORD will continue to seek Him even more so when they are facing trials, tests and persecution, because they have tried Him by faith, and found Him to be faithful.

If we choose to draw closer to the Heavenly Father, YHWH in those seasons of testing, He draws closer to us; and the outcome is a greater understanding and revelation of His word – more righteous fruit.  It’s sort of like an object lesson, because the Word that He sends to us is the Word that is needed to address our immediate situation – and thus, we are more prone to APPLY it immediately.

However, it remains our choice as to whether we will submit to the season of pruning.  If we don’t  we sadly become unfruitful branches connected to the Vine, Yeshua, and will be broken off and thrown into the pile with the other branches who resisted pruning, dried up and ultimately will be burned. 

So choose you this day, who you will serve – self or the God of Creation, who has chosen you?  And, in your serving YHWH, be willing to be pruned to bear even more fruit.  The more a tree is pruned the stronger it becomes, the more fruit it produces for all that are hungry and desire to learn of the LORD, that they too can become fruitful trees planted by the rivers of “living water” that flow from Yeshua so that others too can have their thirst satisfied in those areas of emptiness, discouragement and loneliness. 

The pruning process will also increase our desire and ability to be more and more content in our times and seasons of being alone with YHWH.  When the pruning season is completed,  we are sent out (again), with even more of Him to share, teach, encourage and exhort about Him, to His praise and glory! 

7 “If you remain united with me, and my words with you, then ask whatever you want, and it will happen for you. 8 This is how my Father is glorified — in your bearing much fruit; this is how you will prove to be my talmidim (disciples). (John 15:7-8)

The Lord ADONAI has chosen us to hear Him.  Yeshua tell us that:

16 You did not choose me, I chose you; and I have commissioned you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last; so that whatever you ask from the Father in my name he may give you. (John 15:16)

In  His Awesome Name, His maidservant,
py thomas


Saying "Yes" to YHWH's "No"

Saying “Yes” to YHWH’s “No”
by py thomas
© July 20, 2013

·         When we say “yes” to YHWH’s (GOD) “no” we come into agreement with Him, and we have peace.  Likewise when we say “no” to YHWH’s “no” we have no peace, and instead are bombarded by the access way we leave open to the Adversary to torment us and to make us feel fearful.

·         When we say “yes” to YHWH’s “no” our resolve to trust Him in faith is strengthened.  Likewise when we say “no” to YWHW’s “no,” our faith is weakened, and doubt begins to grow in us – we become unstable and double-minded, and easily tossed about just like a wave.

·         When we say “yes” to YHWH’s “no” we can accept His appointed times and seasons for transition into eternity for loved ones and others;  and we can accept the garment of gladness to replace or our garment of sorrow.  Likewise when we say “no” to YHWH’s “no,” we move towards great despair, depression and sadness; and our health becomes vulnerable to physical sickness, as we have no rest, no peace.

·         When we say “yes” to YHWH’s “no” to sin, and in particular a “no” pass on our own sins, we come to a place of brokenness and a contrite spirit because we have realized just how much we have offended the Most High God – thus giving us godly sorrow that yields repentance.  Likewise when we say “no” to YHWH’s Holy Spirit convicting us of sin, we greatly grieve and sorrow YHWH, as He desires to forgive us, but is awaiting our confession and prayer for forgiveness so He can do so.

·         When we say “yes” to YHWH and submit and surrender our will to His perfect will, doing as Yeshua (Jesus) stated in John 15:9-12,

9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. 10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.

11 “These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. 12 This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.

We learn that level of surrender, we can plainly see and learn that Yeshua added one commandment, but did NOT invalidate all the other commandments of the Heavenly Father.  Note in verse 9 above, the word “commandments” is plural and not singular.

So when we say “yes” to Yeshua’s admonishment to stay away from the traditions of men, we will fully hear what the spirit of the LORD is saying to us when we seek Him and His righteousness; and our spirits are compelled by His great love of predestining us, choosing us that we might avail ourselves to be restored to His original created purpose, “that we might be holy as He is holy” for His namesake and glory forever and ever.  A-men.

In His mighty and victorious name, His maidservant, py thomas

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Weed - It's in Your Mouth, Brain, Heart & Spirit

Weed – It’s in Your Mouth, Brain, Heart & Spirit
by py thomas
© July 17, 2013

Say what you might about me, but as it is stated in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the Good News , since it is God’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.”  (CJB  Version).   For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”  (NKJ Version).

The Spirit of the LORD pleads with you on this day, to return, seek His face and humble yourselves before our Holy GOD.    Our prideful and selfish natures need to die, and we be made alive – that we will cry out to YHWH as David did in Psalm 51:1-10.   Those who do read the Bible know that David had been confronted by his sin of adultery with another man’s wife.  Although the adultery was in the natural, it was also spiritual adultery.  Every time we go in the way of sinful rebellion and reject YHWH’s laws, statutes, ordinances and commandments, we’ve embraced that which is evil and wicked – we’ve committed spiritual adultery as well – we have cheated on our Savior, as His bride the Church – we have chosen to go in the way of self, instead of surrender to our “loving, merciful and gracious God.”  And even though we like to think of YHWH as loving, merciful and gracious, which He is, He is also a God of wrath and judgment for those who continue in SIN. 

I invite you to give up the “weed” and join me in prayer for repentance for the body of Messiah (the Church), our nations and Israel.

Our nation and world is very sick and does not even realize it.  We’re not interested in finding out the root cause of the problem.  It’s like when weeds start growing in your lawn or garden.   Many will opt to mow over the top so the problem appears to have disappeared.  However, the roots of the weeds,  grow deeper and longer.  Foolish gardeners just continue to cut off the tops – the surface, while at the same time making the actual weed grow stronger and with deeper roots each time only the top is dealt with.

The Adversary the devil has so many of “GOD’s” people duped, that they  don’t even understand, nor read and study YHWH’s word to understand.  Unfortunately, they rely on others, who in many instances intentionally and unintentionally do not study, nor rightly discern the Word of YHWH either.   Sadly, some teachers and preachers do not give themselves over to the study and teaching of the full counsel of the Word of YHWH, because they are unwilling to allow the Holy Spirit to deal with them and their “secret sins.”  And, then of course, there are the false prophets and they are numerous, who are leading hundreds of thousands to Hell.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.” (Hosea 4:6)

Even more sadly, many of YHWH’s people  have very little power or spiritual authority due to their refusal to surrender, to “come out from among them and be separate” unto YHWH.   They are unwilling to fulfill ELOHIM’s requirements of holiness and associate YHWH’s breakthroughs with primarily having to do with being blessed with material things.  Subsequently, they don’t’ realize that YHWH’s breakthroughs in one’s life primarily have to do with spiritual growth that only comes from one who has relinquished control of their lives, acknowledging that the covenant of salvation they have entered into means they no longer belong to themselves.    Now that’s a breakthrough, when “self’ in us, begins to die to the obedience of YHWH’s word. 

Self was the problem from the beginning.   It is self that opposes YHWH’s rule and dominion; and “self” esteems what it wants even above and over YHWH.  Self is the access way for SIN.  This is why self needs to be dismantled and broken.  

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit,
A broken and a contrite heart—
These, O God, You will not despise.” (Psalm 51:17)

I just want to scream sometimes about how we who have made the confession of faith in Yeshua and have entered into YHWH’s covenant of salvation, continue in darkness…continue to embrace what YHWH hates and stands apart from; and then we go on FaceBook, Twitter and every other social media tool, and become PR (public relations) tools for the enemy the Adversary – still just cutting off the heads of the weeds, while the root, SIN, continues to grow stronger and longer.   Even some of our good intentioned activities have undisclosed sinful roots and strongholds in our faith.  But we won't discover it,  until we truly agree with what our Creator, ELOHIM says about us.

We’re quick to say, “don’t judge me,” or “you CAN’T judge me,” in ignorance (and rebellion) because we don’t know that we are in fact called to judge and discern SIN – the difference between right and wrong – godliness and ungodliness in accordance to what YHWH teaches us in His word to begin with.  And even more grievous, is our denial and pride that does not want to admit that we’re wrong! I know this to be true, as I was one who at the drop of the hat would say, "you can't judge me."   I have since learned after I was given the gift of godly sorrow that yielded my repentance, that Iwould have to read, study, ADMIT that I need to APPLY  the Word of YHWH to my life, just as many of you need too as well.  Selah. 

The challenge and question we should ask ourselves is, can we be honest and humble ourselves and confess our OWN SINS?  Why would a holy GOD not want us to know the difference between right and wrong?  What type of sense does that make?  NONsense!   A truly “loving GOD” would WANT us to know truth.  True love does not lie to us, nor will it mislead us.  We know this even as it relates to our natural relationships with each other. 

We are called to judge in terms of discerning  between YHWH’s standard of righteous  and that which He opposes.  However, the penalty of judgment for  the sin belongs to Him and not us.  If we were truly praying by the leading of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will direct us on how to respond to the discernment of sin, ungodliness, and lawlessness.   Whether it means for us to open our mouths and share what YHWH says about it, pray for the conviction of the Holy Spirit to touch that one who is in error; or to strongly rebuke that which the Holy Spirit has given us the ability to discern.  Again, this direction is given by the Holy Spirit if we want to know how YHWH wants us to proceed – not relying upon our own understanding, but the LORD’s will.

We’ve allowed the lies of the Adversary to creep into our lives when we opt to being politically correct – not wanting to offend anyone; and not wanting to be accused of going against the grain.  Well, if you have chosen not to stand for YHWH and His righteous, do you really think YHWH, who is holy and sovereign is going to stand for you?    By the way, the definition of sovereign as it relates to ELOHIM (Creator & Righteous Judge) means:

“Supreme in power; possessing supreme dominion; as a sovereign ruler of the universe.   Supreme; superior to all others; chief. GOD is the sovereign good of all who love and obey Him.  Supremely efficacious; superior to all others; predominant; effectual; as a sovereign remedy.  A supreme lord or ruler; one who possesses the highest authority without control.”

Will YHWH stand for you especially, when you entered into the covenant of salvation; and continue to take no steps towards allowing the Holy Spirit to examine you in accordance to YHWH’s word?  That’s what it truly means to take the LORD’s name in vain – you have entered into the covenant, yet have refused to allow His word to change you – for you to be conformed into the image of Yeshua the Messiah – to  “be holy as He is holy.”  Selah.

Again, say what you might about me, but as it is stated in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the Good News , since it is God’s powerful means of bringing salvation to everyone who keeps on trusting, to the Jew especially, but equally to the Gentile.”  (CJB  Version).   For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.”  (NKJ Version).

The Spirit of the LORD pleads with you on this day, to return, seek His face and humble yourselves before our Holy GOD.    Our prideful and selfish natures need to die, and we be made alive in Yeshua– that we will cry out to YHWH as David did in Psalm 51:2-10.   Those who do read the Bible know that David had been confronted by his sin of adultery with another man’s wife.  Although the adultery was in the natural, it was also spiritual adultery.  Every time we go in the way of sinful rebellion and reject YHWH’s laws, statutes, ordinances and commandments, we’ve embraced that which is evil and wicked – we’ve committed spiritual adultery as well – we have cheated on our Savior, as His bride the Church – we have chosen to go in the way of self, instead of surrender to our “loving, merciful and gracious God.”  And even though we like to think of YHWH as loving, merciful and gracious, which He is, He is also a God of wrath and judgment for those who continue in SIN. 

So I share with you Psalm 51:1-10, that you will join me in prayer for repentance for the Church, our nation and Israel.

God, in your grace, have mercy on me;
in your great compassion, blot out my crimes.
Wash me completely from my guilt,
and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know my crimes,
my sin confronts me all the time.

Against You, You only, have I sinned
and done what is evil from your perspective;
so that You are right in accusing me
and justified in passing sentence.

7 (5) True, I was born guilty,
was a sinner from the moment my mother conceived me.
Still, You want truth in the inner person;
so make me know wisdom in my inmost heart.

Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean;
wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
Let me hear the sound of joy and gladness,
so that the bones You crushed can rejoice.
Turn away Your face from my sins,
and blot out all my crimes.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

May YHWH’s mercies bring His people to the godly sorrow that yields repentance.

In His mighty, strong & awesome name,

py thomas

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Where's the Outrage?

Seventy-five Cents Worth of Truth – The Bigger Picture About Trayvon Martin & George Zimmerman
by py thomas
© July 16, 2013

Here’s my seventy-five cents worth on the interview conducted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper with Juror B37 in the Zimmerman/Martin case.  I’m relieved that this juror spoke out and dispelled the assumption that they were a group of heartless women.  Half of the six did believe that Zimmerman was guilty of the 2nd degree murder charge and/or manslaughter.  Check out the link to see the full article (

To be fair, the jurors were sequestered, and as Juror B37 continued in her interview, she had no idea of how high the level of attention and that it was having such an emotionally charged impact on the nation.  While some would argue that there’s no way this could be so, I believe it could be so because from a cultural standpoint, it’s hard for many to identify with what one thinks or feels based on their experiences.  I’m a Black “milkshake” (as my mother calls me - of African descent and several other races) and though I have shared with friends of mine who are white and of other cultures, they have a difficult time identifying and understanding the challenges I have experienced based on race, because that’s not their world.  I live in this skin, and they don’t.  They sympathize, but in many instances have no point of reference any more than I do when I listen to those who are materially wealthy sharing about their lives – because that has not been my experience. 

At the end of the day, we’re all human, and were all created from one blood.  The bigger picture is that our nation and world has a SIN PROBLEM.  We are warned in Psalms 9:17:

17 (16) Adonai made himself known and executed judgment;
the wicked are ensnared in the work of their own hands. (Higgayon; Selah) (CJB version)

17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. (KJV)

17 The wicked shall be turned into hell,
And all the nations that forget God. (NKJV)

The word “wicked” from the original biblical Hebrew language describes the wicked as those who know about GOD, have been exposed to His word, and yet reject it and go in their own way.  This is the sad and ugly truth about our nation, Israel and the Church.  How else would we have legalized murder (a.k.a Roe vs. Wade); and have the audacity to call it a woman’s choice.  Well it was “women’s choices” who cleared George Zimmerman of all guilt for killing Trayvon Martin.  Our rebellion is testifying against us. 

 Is anybody really listening?  We’re having prayer vigils, but what are we praying about?  Are we seeking the LORD and being pierced through about our sins – do we feel remorse or godly sorrow for having offended YHWH (GOD)? 

We have a right to express our feelings, but I encourage each of us to get real and allow the Holy Spirit to deal with us (individually and corporately). 

“…if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”  (2 Chronicles 7:14)

This sadly is just one of many instances and warnings for us to consider our wicked ways and return to Him (fully).    You can add my  name to the list, as I too have areas of my life that I have not fully surrendered to the LORD.  But, I’m definitely committed to the task and welcome and allow the Holy Spirit to deal with me.  I do carry some of the testimonies of the LORD (like many of you), and know that He is faithful and is truly the “rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

The Lord ADONAI is quick to forgive, we’re just slow to confess.   I’m praying for our nation, Israel and the sons and daughters who have entered into the covenant of salvation we have in Yeshua (Jesus).  This is my prayer vigil – that we come to the place of godly sorrow that yields repentance.  Selah.

In the strong name of ADONAI, His maidservant, py thomas


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Liar, Liar Pants on Fire - Confessions

The “Way” of Lying & Deception
by py thomas © July 10, 2013

How can we say we love YHWH (GOD), yet willfully participate in what He calls and abomination, and that which He stands apart from and hates?  That is utter confusion, and evidence of one’s thinking being completely influenced and controlled by the spirit of the antichrist, which comes from the Adversary the Devil.   But once one has taken a step in that direction, the next unfortunate step they will be to believe the lie; and form or adapt faulty rationalizations to justify their willful rebellion and disobedience.  Sadly, this is the step towards eternal death, unless they change course while they still have breath in their bodies.

 “He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.” (1 John 2:4)

Note that the word “commandments” is plural.  So which commandments do you think YHWH is referring to?  Your’s or His? 

For GOD is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.”  (1 Corinthians 14:33) 

This truth is further established in  James 3:16,

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there.” 

Yeshua (Jesus) exposes the chief liar, Satan and the cause of his lies made him a murderer from the beginning.  It was because of the lie told to Adam and Eve that both spiritual and natural death entered into Creation.  Yeshua addresses this with the Pharisees (the “church leaders of that day”) in John 8:44:

“You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a
murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44)

Lies are still being perpetuated in today’s houses of worship, unfortunately by many who are in  leadership.  Today would be a good time to start reading the Bible for yourself so that you will know the truth for yourself.  For it is the Holy Spirit that teaches YHWH’s sons and daughters all things – that’s what Yeshua said – His word, I’m just one of many, who delivers the message.  Check it out for yourself, you can find it in John 14:25-26.

Today is a good day for godly sorrow that yields repentance.  “For godly sorrow produces
repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death.” (2 Corinthians 7:10)

Yeshua (Jesus) is waiting to forgive as soon as you stop procrastinating to surrender to YHWH’s truth.  The Lord YHWH is longsuffering, patient, merciful; and quick to forgive.  Must we continue to be slow to confess?  He sacrificed His son, Yeshua’s life in our place so that we can be forgiven.  YHWH is absolutely merciful and open to forgiving if you are willing to confess your sin. I know, I did it, and have received His forgiveness.   

In the “strong” name of Yeshua,
His maidservant py thomas

 Shalom (Peace)!