Monday, October 7, 2013

Someone Saw Your Dirty Laundry...Who Told?

House Cleaning Is Getting it Rightby py thomas
© October 7, 2013

20 And Moses said to the people, “Do not fear; for ADONAI has come to test you, and that His fear may be before you, so that you may not sin.” (Exodus 20:20)

Let's deal with pornography...the closet drunkenness...the secret sins...the greed and cheating...the love of money...the gossiping, let us have Godly sorrow that yields repentance to see the horror of our sin nature that it might be put to DEATH, shall we?

This goes all the way back to the beginning when YHVH provided us with His guidelines in His Torah (Law) for righteous living. If we've entered into the covenant of salvation through Yeshua, we now have the power to be be delivered from the bondage of sin.

Perhaps this is why some are so easily influenced by the spirit of the anti-Messiah (anti-Christ) and want to disavow the importance of YHVH's standards for righteous living. Nothing has changed, YHVH's Word is not disappearing, not one jot, nor one may want to reconsider some of the reasoning behind the leadership of men you follow vs. the leadership of Yeshua.

Who wants to sign up first for the pre-op lab tests for their new circumsized hearts, the blood transfusion of Yeshua's blood that will renew His right spirit in them? Who among you are truly in pursuit of holiness? Or, are you of the sort who just likes to argue about doctrinal differences.

You see things lining up in the earth realm, but are you ready to stop being abusive towards your spouses and children? Have you had enough yet of being disrespectful to authorities (whether you like them or not)?

Will you be like the rich man and Lazarus, knowing you have the means to help the widows and orphans, yet ignore them? Are you yet willing to give out of your need like the widow with the 2 mites did?

I know, the Holy Spirit is getting in your business right now...but be thankful He is not calling you out by name publicly. This is the secret place in prayer you can go before our Holy God ELOHIM, confess your sin(s) with godly sorrow, make amends to those you have offended, lied to, hurt and/or used; and worst yet, have not forgiven.

Tomorrow is not promised to any of may not have the time you think you do, or the person you need to get things straight with.


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