Monday, August 26, 2013

The Crucifixion Crowds

What Left When You Entered In
by py thomas
© August 25, 2013

 Ki Tavo (When You Enter)
Torah Portion:  Deuteronomy 26:1–29:8; Haftarah Ki Tavo: Yesha‘yahu (Isaiah) 60:1–22.  B’rit Hadashah [New Covenant] suggested readings for Parashah Ki Tavo: Luke 23:26–56; Mattityahu (Matthew) 13:1–23; Luke 21:1–4; Acts 28:17–31; Romans 11:1–15
Of all the agreements we enter into in life, the covenant of salvation is the greatest. But has it become great enough to us to be a priority to study and apply? YHVH’s Word is our life line; and when disconnected from it, we will soon expire spiritually and physically.

 When you enter into YHWH’s covenant of salvation, you’re also entering into His promises.  A covenant is like a contract in that in order for it to remain valid both parties must perform in accordance to the terms and conditions stipulated and agreed to by all parties.

The impact of YHVH’s covenant has a far reaching impact on us, whether for blessings or curses.  The covenant’s terms and conditions (laws and commandments) extend to our future generations.  We see this from the beginning with Adam & Eve.  Their actions affected all of their descendants – we all inherited their sin nature.  Likewise, when we enter into a covenant relationship with YHVH, our seed is in position to be blessed if they choose to follow Yeshua’s example of obedience, since we too are now heirs together with Yeshua. 

Can we afford to be casual in our attitudes about the covenant of salvation we have entered into – taking it lightly?  We learn from Deuteronomy 28 the consequences about our choices – blessings or curses, life or death.
The B’rit Hadashah (new covenant) Torah portion for the week of August 24, 2013 includes Luke 23:26-56.  It is significant, especially as we approach the Hebrew New Year -  a new beginning, a time of personal reflection and consideration of this covenant of salvation we’ve been offered and subsequently entered into.

Have we considered the significance of those that YHVH saw fit to be there to witness this historic and literally life-changing and life-giving event that occurred to all of mankind?  Luke 23:26-56 tells us that there was a group 10 different people at the crucifixion of Yeshua:  Roman soldiers; Simon the Cyrenian; a great multitude of people; the mourning and weeping women for Jerusalem, two criminals; the religious rulers of the Hebrew people (the Pharisees, the Sanhedrin council); the Centurion; Yeshua’s His acquaintances, and the women who followed Him from Galilee (including the disciple that Yeshua loved (their name is unknown to us), Yeshua’s mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Salome), and Joseph of Arimathea.  Of interesting note, is that 10 is YHVH’s number of judgment, wisdom calls us to take note and consider these 10 groups. 
The account of how YHVH established our covenant of salvation through Yeshua will testify for us, or against us, depending on the choice we make.

The 10 Groups Who Were There - Points of Consideration:

1.       Roman Soldiers.  They were the arresting authority and military might.  It was prophesized that they would be there casting lots for Yeshua’s garments.  But in all their military might they could not and did not stop the plan and purposes of YHVH.  Yeshua laid down His life freely, and YHVH raised Him from the dead, conquering death and setting us, the captives free from the bondage of sin.  Even though we see in Scripture that their role in Yeshua’s arrest and subsequent torture appears to be horrendous, but it was part of the price that needed to be paid for OUR sin, and Yeshua was willing to bear that burden for our sakes.  YHVH will use those situations and people who torment us, so that He can manifest His deliverance in and through us. 

2.       The Religious Leaders – The Pharisees.  The Pharisees had long plotted to kill Yeshua.  In all their wrangling, false accusations and lies they thought they finally were going to rid themselves of Yeshua.  However, because of their wickedness they were blinded in darkness and were unable to see that they were only orchestrating what YHVH had intended from the beginning – that Yeshua would be sent to the world to live, die and be resurrected to defeat death and sin once and for all, for those that would believe. 

In all their plotting they were blind to the truth) that YHVH so loved the world that  He “originally” created before sin “entered in”  and corrupted it, that He gave His only begotten Son Yeshua the Messiah, so that whoever believed and put their trust and faith in Him to be delivered from the bondage of sin, and to become holy as He is holy, that they would not perish, but have eternal life in the new heavens and Earth that is promised to come, just as Yeshua is promised to come back for those of us who have “entered in” to the covenant of salvation.

3.       Simon a Cyrenian.  Even though Yeshua is YHVH’s Son, while on the earth He lived as a man – the son of man.  Therefore His flesh became weak and felt pain just as ours does.  It was in His humanness that we see Scripture fulfilled by Simon.  In the literal context Yeshua’s natural body was weak due to the severe beating He had received at the hands of the Roman soldiers and was physically unable to continue to carry the stake that He was to be crucified on.  Simon was compelled to help carry the stake.  He did not refuse, but did so, fulfilling the Law’s true meaning that Yeshua upholds (see John 15, 16).   

As background, Simon’s home town, Cyrene, Libya, was located in northern Africa.  Cyrene, a Greek colony, also had a Jewish community where 100,000 Judean Jews had settled during the reign of Ptolemy Soter (323-285 BC) and was an early center for Christianity.  The Cyrenian Jews had a synagogue in Jerusalem, where many went for annual feasts.  Since  this was the season of Passover, there was a high probability that that Simon was indeed a Jew and was coming from the country to most likely observe Passover.  

The Romans thought of themselves as superior over the Hebrews / Jews, further lending itself to confirm that Simon was most likely a Jew.  Remember, the Roman leader, Pilate didn’t want to deal with Yeshua, but wanted the Pharisees to deal with Him, because He was one on their own – being Jewish.  Therefore, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that the Romans would have compelled/forced another Roman citizen to take on the burden of carrying the stake of crucifixion for a condemned Jew.  Thus their selection of Simon, a fellow Jew and believer of the Law.  Simon literally became a “partaker in the sufferings of Messiah,” literally bearing the stake of suffering for Yeshua the Messiah.

“Bear one another’s burdens — in this way you will be fulfilling the Torah’s true meaning, which the Messiah upholds.”  (Galatians 6:2)

12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; 13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Messiah’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 14 If you are reproached for the name of Messiah, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. 15 But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters. 16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.

17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 Now

“If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”

19 Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. (1 Peter 4:12-19)

4.       A Great Multitude of People.  Yeshua’s death and resurrection was and is the most notable event in the history of creation.  It is no small wonder that there were to witnesses to  both events. 

Leading up to Yeshua’s crucifixion we learn from Matthew 20:10-19, that He taught a parable to His 12 disciples  about those who are last, will be those who are first; how many being called, but only a few are chosen; and the decision as to who does the selection is up to our Master and God, ELOHIM.  This was also the third time He spoke of His impending crucifixion to the 12 disciples. 

In this great multitude of people there were just as many personal and corporate “hidden” agendas going on in the background.   Some of the people did not know what to expect, but were curious.  Others were on the side with the religious leaders who wanted to see Yeshua killed.  Some were there because they had heard about Yeshua but had not yet made a decision about who they felt He was one way or the other.  This multitude of people was a reflection and representation of all mindsets regarding Yeshua then, now and in the future, whether good, bad or indifferent.

Today we still have a great multitude observing Yeshua, some wanting His life, death and resurrection to be rendered as a lie as though it never happened because of their refusal to acknowledge that they are sinners in need of redemption; some who want to know if this event is true; and others who have created and sought their own gods instead of the true and living God, ELOHIM to accommodate their sin-nature.    

Just as we were once on the outside, it was through YHVH’s mercy and divine influence (grace) that we heard and saw the truth of the covenant of salvation and our need for forgiveness of sin; surrendered our hearts; and “entered in” to the covenant of salvation. 

“Many are called, but few are chosen.”  So who are you in the great multitude of people on the earth – which group or category do you fit?  Did you truly “enter in” to the covenant of salvation?  Have you become those who are now last, but will be called to be first throughout eternity, or do you want it all now?  Are you truly in the place to allow yourself to be prepared?  These are all important questions that call us to the place that the criminals who were crucified along with Yeshua had to consider.  Selah.

5.       Mourning and Weeping Women – These women had misplaced mourning.  They were mourning because Yeshua was going to be crucified and did not understand the significance of His crucifixion.  We see in Luke 23:27-31, Yeshua telling them not to grieve for Him, but to grieve for themselves and their children because of the judgment still yet to come prophesized in  Hosea  10:8 about  YHVH’s coming judgment for Isra’el’s continued rebellion and wickedness.  Not only will Isra’el be facing this judgment, but all who reject Yeshua. 

We need to seriously consider the requirements of YHVH’s covenant when we “enter into” it. 
In His covenant there are blessings for obedience, curses for disobedience; and forgiveness of sin through Yeshua.  Which ones will you choose? 

Yeshua’s life, death and resurrection calls each of us to consider our ways and choices in the light of YHVH’s Word,  His covenant of salvation, laws, commandments, statutes, and precepts.  It may seem like a lot, but it’s simply a matter of our agreeing with what YHVH says and what He will do, or alternatively, choosing to go in our own way and be willing to face the consequences of that choice.  Forgiveness or unforgiveness of sin?  Life or death?   Which do you choose to enter into?  

6.       The Centurion who witnessed the crucifixion glorified and praised YHVH.  He was the only one on record who praised YHWH at Yeshua’s crucifixion noting that Yeshua was innocent, but glorified YHVH during that moment in mankind’s history, which would be game changer for all of eternity.  It was also a foreshadowing of the gospel message being brought to the Gentiles – that they too could have the opportunity to be saved.   On the surface one would think that this was a strange response given what was going on.   Only one familiar with the prophecies about Yeshua  and exposure to the Word could understand and appreciate the necessity and divine plan of YHVH for our salvation.  He apparently had heard and seen the favor that YHVH extended to those in covenant with Him.  Just as Rahab the harlot had, Balaam did, nations, and others.  The testimonies of YHVH always has witnesses.     

47 When the Roman officer saw what had happened, he began to praise God and said, “Surely this man was innocent!” (Luke 23:47-49)

7.       Followers/Disciples & Acquaintances of Yeshua.  49 All His friends, including the women who had accompanied him from the Galil, had been standing at a distance; they saw it all. (Luke 23:49)

Yeshua’s disciples standing at a distance during His crucifixion is somewhat symbolic of their initial reaction when Yeshua initially told them that He was going away.  They sorrowed then in their hearts and did not want to believe that He was leaving because they did not want Him to go and tried to distance themselves from those thoughts.  Yeshua spoke to them 3 times about His impending crucifixion.  Why 3 times?  Because they did not want to receive this truth.  We are the same way when we are faced with certain inevitabilities, and depending on where we are emotionally and spiritually, we find those instances painful and hurtful.  In some instances the pain and hurt stems from our unwillingness to embrace the truth of that reality.   Thus, we stand apart or at distance from it – not wanting to see nor believe.   Like the disciples, this is the point where our faith is being tested – can we believe YHVH in the midst of our own uncertainties? 

However, YHVH in His mercy is long-suffering and patient with us.  Just as with the disciples, He has sent the Holy Spirit to help us and teach us all things – including how to believe YHVH even in the midst of uncertainty.  We should not lose sight of Yeshua’s instructions to the disciples at the last supper – the Passover meal given in John 16:20-22:

20 Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. 21 A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. 22 Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. (John 16:20-22)

8.       The Criminals.  One of the criminals to be crucified along with Yeshua had a life changing experience happen to him because he was willing to be honest about his sins and knowing that his death sentence was a fair sentence; and was in agreement with the righteousness of his impending consequences for the choices he had made to break the law.  He knew his judgment was fair and justice served, even at the expense of being put to death. 

However, there was the other criminal on the other side of Yeshua sentenced to die, continued in the “way of lying,” and foolishly mocked Yeshua instead of coming clean about his crimes and admitting he had what was coming to him.  In all his years on the earth, and even to the bitter end, this one criminal refused to come clean – he remained steadfast in his rejection of truth and his belief in the lie. 

The criminal who spoke to Yeshua in spirit and truth, resulted in his receiving forgiveness of sin and the promise that he would be with Yeshua in Paradise.  This principle applies to us as well, and is a great example of how when we experience conviction (godly sorrow) about our sin, we will then come to the place of ending/stopping that sin once and for all (repentance).  

Even at the point of Yeshua yielding up His own life for us, He considered this one hanging on a stake next to Him who spoke to Him in spirit and truth and “entered in” to receive forgiveness and the promise of eternal life.

39 Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Messiah, save Yourself and us.”

40 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.” 42 Then he said to Jesus, “Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

43 And Yeshua said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.” (Luke 23:39-43)

9.       The Chest Beaters.  During the Passover meal with His disciples, Yeshua  told them, 20 Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy.” (John 16:20).  

Those that beat their chests at seeing Yeshua crucified did it with gladness thinking they had finally gotten rid of Yeshua, the one who came and convicted them of their sin because He fulfilled the Law.  Rendering them without excuses for their corrupt and rebellious lives. 

At the moment of the crucifixion when the sky darkened and the earth shook, there was no beating of their chests.  It was not until they turned and left the place of rebellion that they had the boldness to revel in their wickedness – under  a false sense of security, thinking that Yeshua would be no more.   Sin bullies and masks the true cowardice of its of those it uses.   Sin always operates in secret and darkness.  Selah.

48 And when all the crowds that had gathered to watch the spectacle saw the things that had occurred, they returned home beating their breasts. (Luke 23:48)

10.   Yosef  of Arimethia.  Yosef provided the proper burial for Yeshua.  It is illustrative of the proper burial of our sin nature once we “enter into” the covenant of salvation. 

“Come now, and let us reason together,” Says the Lord, “Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. (Isaiah 1:18)

Our sins were scarlet, but through Yeshua we are made white as snow when we “enter into” the covenant of salvation.  The eternal life we have to look forward to includes our spirit-man being housed in the incorruptible glorified bodies; and we’ll no longer be housed in these earthly vessels of corrupted sinful flesh.

Yosef’s actions were symbolic of our sin nature being put to death by being wrapped in the righteousness of Yeshua, putting sin to death, and our being renewed, transformed and conformed into the image/pattern of Yeshua. 

Yosef took Yeshua’s body and wrapped the sinful flesh that Yeshua was willing to take on when He came to the earth for the sake of being the sacrificial lamb to die for our sins that we might be forgiven by YHVH.  When Yosef wrapped Yeshua’s body in a cloth, it wasn’t just any cloth.  In keeping with the ordinances YHVH gave for the royal priesthood, Yosef wrapped Yeshua in a linen cloth never used before.

We could not see what was going on inside the tomb after Yosef laid Yeshua’s body in there and it was sealed.  Just as we don’t know how YHVH performs the miraculous inside of us – it is hidden;  and all we see is the end result – YHVH’s promises manifested.  We were once dead in sin, but He makes us alive in Yeshua.  How unsearchable are YHVH’s ways, they are truly past our finding out. 

What’s going on behind the tomb of your sinful nature being put to death?  Have you left the tomb and have ceased to allow the work of the Holy Spirit to continue?  Or are you still there, allowing the miraculous work of redemption, sanctification, and consecration be manifested?  It is in the tomb of putting our sinful nature to death in the place where no one can see until YHVH allows the stones of our tomb to be rolled away and we then emerge a new person in Messiah.  Forgiven, washed from the stain of sin, and ultimately restored back to YHVH’s original created purpose.  This is what glorifies YHVH – the testimony of our redemption.

The Lesson Learned.  When we “enter in,” we must enter in spirit and truth and not in the way of lying by deceiving ourselves about the corrupt condition we’re in because of sin.  Are you allowing the process of dying to self (daily) to occur?   How will you “enter in” to the New Year that is knocking at the door?

On  a personal note, can we rejoice and praise YHWH in what seems to be a horrific event?  Do we really believe that all things work together for good for those who love YHWH and are the called according to His purposes?  If not, are we willing to be honest to examine self before the LORD to find out why? 
Are we ready to face Psalm 119:29, “Remove from me the way of lying, And grant me Your Law graciously.”  What a wonder to have our minds, hearts and spirits transformed to the point to where we allow YHVH’s divine influence to direct our thoughts and actions in alignment with His laws and commandments.  If it’s truly about Him as we like to often quote, are we truly interested in being conformed and changed into the pattern of Yeshua once we have "entered in? " 

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