Sunday, February 15, 2015

Who Exactly Will be Declared Righteous?

Are You in Position to be Declared Righteous?
by py thomas,  (c) February 15, 2015


13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God’s sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. (Romans 2:13)

Note that the scripture states “will be declared” denoting of a future event based on our current and past action of obedience or lack thereof.  The apostle Paul, like everyone else in the New Testament only referred to what was written and established in the beginning (what we refer to as the Old Testament), as there was no New Testament during their times to refer you see, nothing, nor has YHVH changed His requirements out of those who name themselves Followers (aka Believers, Christians, Messianics, etc.)  and enter into relationship with HIM. Yeshua (Jesus), His followers, disciples and apostles...all followed and kept YaH's law (Torah - which is just another word for describing YaH's guidelines and standards for righteous living).

I grow more and more convinced that people’s aversion to the word or mention of “law, commandments or Torah” is due to our sin nature going into high revolt.  Our flesh will always oppose that which YHWH has deemed unholy, corrupt, wicked or evil.  It’s part of the curse of our inherited sin nature.   Sin hates truth and righteousness...thus, it would behoove us to consider the wisdom that teaches us where the battle and resistance is coming from in us.  It’s our flesh and sin nature battling to keep us from being declared “righteous” and can and will be accomplished UNLESS we turn from rebellion and enter into obedience – YHVH’s way – not our own.

If we try to keep Shabbat apart from Torah...then we have no true rest. Because YHVH's rest is only achieved through His Torah...His Word...that became flesh and dwelt among us.  We deceive ourselves if we believe we can enter in YHVH’s presence (Shabbat/rest) apart from His living Torah, His Son.  Just as Y’shua lives, and is life; likewise there’s no rest if there is death.  If we have access to eternal life, rest and peace in this life through Y’shua’s resurrection which fully embodies Torah...without Torah we have not entered nor kept YHVH’s holy Shabbat.   Y’shua our living Torah has made provision for us to enter into life (which is rest) and not death (which is torment).  Choose who you will serve this day...choose life and not death.

The laws are given to us as a gift and a pathway to redemption and restoration, just as the Torah (law) teaches us the importance of the gift ELOHIM gave us – the Shabbat – a day of rest, and a feast day.  Who could be upset with having a paid day off, and a table of His Word and blessings of the fruit of our labors spread out before us to enjoy?  None but one in utter darkness would reject such a beautiful gift of blessings from our Creator YHVH.  If you believe in Y’shua (Jesus), your belief should also include what the Father ELOHIM tells us to do.  It’s all about choices...choose wisely, as it will determine whether you are “declared righteous.”  It is only YHVH’s righteous that will be allowed to enter into His eternal kingdom.  Selah

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