Monday, November 10, 2014

Are You Strong? Are You Sure You're Strong?

I am Not a Strong Woman
by py thomas
© November 10, 2014


News Flash:  I am not a strong woman.  Yet, I have heard this many times over the course of my “adult” life from those who know me, or others that I later discover have observed how I was handling one of life’s circumstances (and in some cases, not very well).   But to their defense, I will don the mind and face of leadership when the situation requires it – but even then, it is the leadership of the Holy Spirit directing my pathway…(other than my agreement to allow Yeshua to lead this frame made of dust (me).

The only moments of true strength I’ve ever displayed or had, were in my times of brokenness…when another layer of me surrendered and I agreed with Yeshua to nail it to the tree of crucifixion – to die to self, so He (Yeshua) could rise up in me and become my strength.  Heck, I wouldn’t even do that, had it not been for the Holy Spirit persistently prompting me through His still small voice to cry out to YHVH – the One who hears and answers the cries of His children.

My greatest weakness has been my greatest source of strength.  Because when I’m willing to be honest and know that unless YHVH says so, it’s not going to happen.  This is the point of recognition and reverence – understanding who I now belong to, and the importance and application of His Torah (guidelines for righteous living) in my life.  I have no excuse…Yeshua is our example…I just need to follow His lead by connecting His word to my mind, body, soul and spirit to demonstrate my love and thanksgiving to YHVH.

Where the Rubber Meets the Road.  While we try to manipulate our circumstances towards a favorable outcome for ourselves, I’m a witness to the truth that it becomes a vanity and a waste if it is outside the will of YHVH.  Like most of us, I’ve tried to be the captain of my own ship, when the ship (ark) never belonged to me to begin with!  The architect and builder of my ship is Yeshua.   If anything, it is during these realizations that I see the futility of my actions; and am reminded that the love poured out for me in Yeshua’s crucifixion is more than enough, and I simply need to stop thinking more highly of myself than I ought to; remembering that I was the one in need of forgiveness and redemption for all areas of my life. 
It’s the sobering breaking in our hearts of who Yeshua is; and who we are not, which truly gives us strength – His strength. 

My personal strength has an expiration date on it – with limitations and a short shelf life.   However, YHVH tells me that I can do all things through Messiah Yeshua who strengthens me (note:  not me strengthening myself, but Yeshua strengthening me).  And, at the point of my believing this; and by choosing to obey and follow the Holy Spirit's direction, it is in that very moment when people see strength – HIS (Yeshua) and not mine (I have no strength apart from saying “yes” to HIM). 

So, my meditation and focus one day at a time is found in Psalms 34:15-22:

15 The eyes of YHVH are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their cry
16 The face of YHVH is against those who do evil,

To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth.

17 The righteous cry out, and YHVH hears,
And delivers them out of all their troubles.
18 The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart,

And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But YHVH delivers him out of them all.

20 He guards all his bones;

Not one of them is broken.
21 Evil shall slay the wicked,
And those who hate the righteous shall be condemned.
22 YHVH redeems the soul of His servants,
And none of those who trust in Him shall be condemned

It is my prayer that the Word of YHVH will not return void, but accomplish the purpose(s) for which it was sent over 2,000 years ago by our Jewish Messiah, Yeshua when His WORD willing gave up His life for me and the world for our sin so that those who have believed can be forgiven and freed to live the set-apart life in accordance with the Torah (YHVH’s guidelines for righteous living).

May the Shalom (perfecting peace) of YHVH be ever present to you and to those far off.

In His awesome & mighty name,

one of many maidservants of Messiah Yeshua… py thomas

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