Sunday, April 20, 2014

Freedom, Counting the Costs

Counting Freedom
by py thomas
April 20, 2014 ©

Today is my birthday and as a matter of personal tradition, I typically go through a very reflective time two weeks leading up to the anniversary of my birth. 
During this time, freedom is what ELOHIM (GOD) has put on my heart to consider and its costs.  I’ve more recently have been “re-learning” how to live this life He has given me with a level of faith to believe Him for balance and the provisions of His promises to those in covenant relationship with ELOHIM.

We are all free – born to be free.  However, wisdom has taught me that freedom without boundaries is really a trap and a set up for failure and disappointment.  Most seldom think of freedom as something that comes with limitations.  Too much of anything is not good, including freedom.

So what happens when there is excessive freedom in one’s life?  Well if we examine the life of a child that has had excessive, unrestrained freedom, what do you see?  You see a spoiled, unruly, undisciplined, disrespectful, selfish, conniving and unmanageable person.

Freedom comes with a price.  I’ve come to understand the price of freedom –  and it is boundaries.  For me the boundaries are all found in the tree of Calvary where Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was crucified. 
It is in His tomb that my sins were buried so I could live in freedom and not just exist in sin. 

It is the knowledge of Him and the presence of the Holy Spirit in my life that I know He is indeed risen and because He lives, I too have been set free from the bondages of sin and death. 

It is in Yeshua resurrection that I’m assured of being resurrected from this life into eternal life with Him in accordance to the covenant of salvation established by the Father ELOHIM. 

Selah (meditate on these things).   Shalom (peace) in Yeshua’s name – for without Yeshua there is no peace – no peace no freedom – no freedom means no  eternal life, no eternal life leads to eternal death.  I have chosen Yeshua the Messiah, I have chosen life.

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