Why? Why
does YAH want us to be comforted and healed by Him?
3Blessed be the Elohim and Father of our Master
Yeshua the Messiah, the Father of compassion
and Elohim of all comfort, 4who is comforting us in all our pressure,
enabling us to comfort those who are in
every pressure, through the comfort with
which we ourselves are comforted by Elohim. 5Because, as the
sufferings of Messiah overflow in us, so our comfort also overflows through
Messiah. 6And if we
suffer pressure, it is for your comfort and deliverance, being worked out in
enduring the same sufferings which we also suffer. If we are comforted, it
is for your comfort and deliverance. 7And our expectation for
you is steadfast, because we know that as you are sharing in the sufferings –
so also in the comfort. (2 Corinthians 1:3-7)

My Personal
Testimony. I am humbled by YAH’s
great mercy He has given to me and others, when He sent His Spirit to knock on the door of my life of pains, hurts, etc.,
and asking if I would allow Him to show me that He is truly the God of all
comforts and healing. But before YAH could show me, I had to cry out
to Him; and when He showed up, I had to get up and open up the door to my heart; and
listen to what He had to say.

You may be familiar with some of the coping mechanisms I had devised over my life such as joking (a lot), relationship hopping, sexual immoral behavior, drugs, striving for success (over achiever); and the ever so famous “do-gooder” co-dependency tendencies (on steroids) sister in Yeshua! (Yes, I was and am a Follower of Yeshua, I just use to be a straggler, one of the sheep, Yeshua had to always go after because of my tendency to get distracted because I was coping and not allowing myself to be healed and delivered).

The Holy Spirit who truly teaches me all things, came in
shining the Light of the Word, Yeshua, on my “junk room,” and one by one, began
to help me to work through the Pharaohs (abusers and oppressors) in my life,
the childhood monsters that were secretly still terrifying and tormenting me,
the heart hijackers who were ravenous wolves in sheep clothing; and the very
elusive “pity party event planner.”
The Word of YAH says this about His many “comforts” in the 19th verse of the following,
but well worth reading it in its entirety:
is the man You discipline, O Yah,
instruct out of Your Torah,
13To give him rest from the days of evil,
the pit is dug for the wrong.
14For Elohim does not leave His
does He forsake His inheritance.
15For right-ruling returns man to
all the upright in heart follow it.
16Who would rise up for me against
would stand up for me against workers of wickedness?
ADONAI had not been my help,
being would soon have settled in silence.
18When I said, “My foot has slipped,” Your
kindness, O ADONAI, supported me.
anxiety was great within me, Your comforts delighted my being.
(Psalm 94:12-19)
Again we see
the prophet Isaiah declare:
13Sing, O
heavens, rejoice, O earth!
And break out in singing, O mountains!
For Elohim shall comfort His people
and have compassion on His afflicted ones. (Isaiah 49:13)
Self-Exposure for Help. What are the conditions for our prayers and
petitions to be heard by YAH to receive His comforts and healings? Answer: Something we’re all very good at, crying
out. However, our crying out needs to be
to the One who hears and answers the cries of His children.
Because our natural carnal natures have a tendency to turn us into “pity party event planners,” we many times are crying out from a place of self-pity and not the needed brokenness that says we're weak and we need Him, that we've been prideful and ignored Him by taking matters into our own hands and trying to comfort, heal and self-medicate ourselves. Or worst yet, turn our situations over to mere mortals for things that require His divine intervention.
We special-pick the guest list, typically comprised of “the empathizer sympathizers,” who have the same or like issues, and will share how they “cope.” I absolutely know this is true, because it is true of me, and of others (we KNOW who we are…but don’t run away yet…YAH is sending His “Calvary” to help, and Calvary’s name is Yeshua/Jesus, who takes and follows the orders and guidelines of the Father).
Do YOU Want to be
Healed? Before we even consider
spiritual warfare with those outside of us, we must be ready to face the
spiritual warfare that is going on inside of us. More importantly, be
willing to receive and apply the truth of YAH’s Word, which is our weapon of mass destruction
against the blood thirsty Beast's lies and deceptions. Once we do, YAH promises to deal
with those who are in disobedience to Him.
YAH vindicates not only His name, but will vindicate us as well.
7 Steps - To Begin & Complete. If you’re still reading this blog, PRAISE YAH! You’re more than halfway there to start your journey with Him for your healing, comfort and the birthing of your deliverance into freedom and the destruction of your “junk rooms.” The following are the 7 steps that the Holy Spirit has taught me that are all based on YAH’s guidelines and instructions for our lives found in the Scriptures - get ready, set, read:
Because our natural carnal natures have a tendency to turn us into “pity party event planners,” we many times are crying out from a place of self-pity and not the needed brokenness that says we're weak and we need Him, that we've been prideful and ignored Him by taking matters into our own hands and trying to comfort, heal and self-medicate ourselves. Or worst yet, turn our situations over to mere mortals for things that require His divine intervention.
We special-pick the guest list, typically comprised of “the empathizer sympathizers,” who have the same or like issues, and will share how they “cope.” I absolutely know this is true, because it is true of me, and of others (we KNOW who we are…but don’t run away yet…YAH is sending His “Calvary” to help, and Calvary’s name is Yeshua/Jesus, who takes and follows the orders and guidelines of the Father).
O Adonai, how my adversaries
have increased! Many rising up against me.
2Many are
saying of me, “There is no deliverance
for him in Elohim.” Selah.
3But You, O Adonai, are a shield for me, My esteem, and the One lifting up my head.
4I cried to YAH with my voice, And He heard me from His set-apart mountain. Selah.
5I, I laid
down and slept; I awoke, for YAH sustained me. (Psalms 3:1-5)

3For though we walk in
the flesh, we do not fight according to the flesh. 4For the weapons
we fight with are not fleshly but mighty in Elohim for over- throwing
strongholds, 5overthrowing reasonings and every high matter that
exalts itself against the knowledge of Elohim, taking captive every thought to
make it obedient to the Messiah, 6and
being ready to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is complete. (2 Corinthians 10:3-6)
The last of verse 6 in 2 Cor. 10 is the sum
total of what YAH requires in terms of our participation in the process of
being comforted, healed and delivered…our obedience. Just as we go to doctors for illnesses and
injuries, they give us instructions to heal the natural man. How much more so will our spirit man be
healed if we heed and follow YAH’s instructions and guidelines for living,
which encompasses our comforting, healing, forgiveness, and deliverance? Selah – meditate on that which comes from
above from the Father, ELOHIM.
You Showed Up for Help, But Will You Take the
Medicine? The only reason why
we invite anyone or anything into our lives is because we initially believe
that they can help our situation – no matter the motive. (whether for good or bad). So if our motive is for comfort, healing and
deliverance, we need to go to the Source that provides for our need who is Yehovah
Yireh, our provider. We need to also
believe and trust that Yehovah Yireh is also Yehovah Shalom (the God who gives His peace)
and Yehovah Raffa (the God who heals).
6But without
belief it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to Elohim has to believe
that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6)
7 Steps - To Begin & Complete. If you’re still reading this blog, PRAISE YAH! You’re more than halfway there to start your journey with Him for your healing, comfort and the birthing of your deliverance into freedom and the destruction of your “junk rooms.” The following are the 7 steps that the Holy Spirit has taught me that are all based on YAH’s guidelines and instructions for our lives found in the Scriptures - get ready, set, read:
Begin to pray for those who have despitefully
used us and have hurt us;
Pray to the point that the Spirit begins to help
us to see our own responses to the hurt, and if our responses are in alignment with His Word (the fruits of the Spirit);
Once we see it, align our spirits with YAH’s
righteous requirements of us (being willing to suffer and be persecuted for His
namesake since we are partakers of the suffering of Yeshua the Messiah – our
author and finisher of our faith) (NOTE: Many times the trials and tests are for the benefit of others as well - are you truly available for Him to use you like you sing about?);
4. Keep our eyes open to see how our not allowing YAH
to comfort and heal us has created portals and openings for the adversary, the Devil to have access ways to exploit our heart and have us saying and doing things
that are not pleasing to YAH;
See YAH’s mercy He has shown to us while we were busy putting
our mouths on the perpetrators to everyone but YAH in prayer, which will bring us to the needed
point of seeing the horror of who we are and what’s truly in our hearts that is
not like Yeshua;
Surrender to YAH’s grace and divine influence that we humble
ourselves and ask for His forgiveness about our initial response to the hurt,
rejection and being used; and
Lastly, the awesome breakthrough (if we
surrender to what He is showing and teaching us) results in our being given a heart of
compassion towards those who have used us, lied on us, hurt us; and rejected
our kindness and love and “mistook” it for weakness. We will then have this area of our lives transformed to the point that this becomes our personal testimony; and fulfill YAH's requirements that we
can also comfort others.
With sackcloth and ashes, let us humble
ourselves before our ELOHIM; and in our weakness surrender to His righteous
requirements of us, which includes our being comforted and healed to seal off
once and for all the access ways the Devil had to our hearts, minds, bodies
souls and spirits through our “junk rooms.”
Some will be surprised that a lot will hinge simply on forgiving folks,
and asking for forgiveness from others.
Shalom, shalom to those near and to those far off.
Much love in the powerful and strong name Yeshua’s
name, maidservant of El Elyon, ELOHIM,
py thomas
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