From the deep childhood secrets of sins perpetrated against
us, and those we perpetrated upon others, these sins You, Yeshua the Messiah bore
on the stake of crucifixion on Calvary.
For generations and generations, the sexual immorality, the corruption
of justice we have practiced for the sole sake of hiding and not confessing the
sin of our very sin-sickened souls…we have walked in the ways of corruption,
and few in the direction of ELOHIM’s righteousness.
We grow older and some know of the grievous and evil deeds,
crimes and sins committed against You, ELOHIM and those called to be our family…and
like muted zombies, have marched around in the dead skeletons, hoping they will
never speak. The graves we have dug where
we have tried to bury our consciences, but with a single utterance, the truth
pours forth, for there is nothing hidden from You O Most High and Holy G-D. For just as the sun breaks through the clouds
and illuminates all that it touches, the light of the Son, Yeshua pierces us
with the two-edge sword of the Word to
see our depravity and our need for You ADONAI.

And why did You do this for us, for me? Because You who loves the Father ELOHIM
demonstrated by Your complete obedience; and who is merciful and the epitome of
love, has given us a second chance in You.
Yeshua, You alone are truly our second chance, and I personally thank
So what do we render unto our God ADONAI? What should we render to our Master ADONAI? What will I render to my Father ADONAI? Will
it be countless arguments of wrangling over doctrine, dogma and devilish
deceit? Or shall I render a heart to be
forgiven knowing the shame and the sorrow for having offended You, the Creator? ADONAI, You have said that You will be a
Father to me, who will forgive me and repair the breach caused by my sin.
Every morning it is You ADONAI that greets each us with Your
new mercies, and like ungrateful gamblers we continue to play Russian roulette
with Your gift of salvation. Always
learning, but few coming to brokenness and a contrite spirit, for these two
things You will not despise.
I truly don’t have enough words or the capacity in my brain
to express the realization of the horrendous impact that my sin has had on me
and others, yet, I again on this new day, ask for forgiveness and am thankful
for this contemplation of how great You are, how great are Your mercies towards
me and others…and how my heart can render what nothing else can, but my
surrender to the Master , Creator and Righteous Judge, ELOHIM. To the Torah, the merciful instructions on how
to live before You, ADONAI; to Your
testimonies for Your namesake, and most certainly not mine!
A woman at the well, forgiven only because of Your Son
Yeshua’s innocent shed blood for me on Calvary, on Calvary, I rightfully so, am
now always tasked with forgiving those from my beginning of perpetrated sins
against me, including those now and in the future, I pray for their
sin-sickened souls as such was mine. Let
Your right spirit be renewed in me continually, all the days of my life, with
the constant reminder that I was a sinner, now forgiven.
I understand the reference why we pray in Yeshua’s name,
because its only due to Him, that any of us can even enter into Your presence
ADONAI, to Your glorious throne room of mercy and grace. Truly, Your mercy endures forever…it is in
forever, resides Your promise of life everlasting. Thank You ABBA.
Oh that men would praise Your glorious name ADONAI! Amein, Amen, A-men!
Sackcloth and ashes…the wailing
and weeping women for the Bride of Yeshua the Messiah. Soon You will come and prepare us to be
presented to the FATHER…let those who hear, have oil in their lamps. Shalom, shalom to those near and to those far

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