Saturday, July 27, 2013

Stripped Bare & Exposed

Going Public – The Big Reveal
by py thomas
© July 27, 2013

The reason for exposure in the seasons of wilderness when we are stripped raw and bare for all to see is for the power and might of YHVH to be manifested to all those that have been witnesses to our sufferings, our trials, our tests. 
“Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of the Messiah’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy.” (1 Peter 4:12-13)

 If Yeshua (Jesus) is your leader, then wisdom says that you should consider that He too had to go through the wilderness.  His wilderness experiences was having to take on sinful flesh, coming to the earth and endure many things for the sake of YHVH’s chosen people ( Isra’el and the Church (Gentiles))  – to the point of His beating, scourging and laying down His life to the point of His death for us.  Yeshua’s unconditional love surpassed the uncomfortableness of His wilderness sufferings and trials.  WhenYeshua’s wilderness ended in His death and resurrection, our lives now have a chance to begin - with the final victory and destiny being the new Heavens and new Earth with Him for all of eternity.  Selah.

Be encouraged, because your public exposure is not designed for humiliation, but for the vindication of the Lord GOD ALMIGHTY, for His namesake, glory and praise.  This is what it means to be a partaker in the sufferings of Yeshua.  Selah.

If you are not able to see this truth, then there is a need for greater submission, surrender and obedience in your life, because we can only recognize and see this truth when we are willing to surrender to obedience.  I know this to be true from my own personal experience and the Word of the LORD. 

We have many witnesses whose lives attest to this truth recorded in the Bible, and in those around us in our lives and families.  Those that choose to submit to the authority of YHVH during the seasons of wilderness have YHVH’s ear when they pray.  For example, I’d encourage you to study and consider Moses’ prayers noted in Deuteronomy 9:18-20, 22-29; 10:10-11.  He went through a season of personal wilderness for 40 years to be prepared to lead YHVH’s chosen people through an additional 40 years of a wilderness experience.

So if you’re in need of encouragement, your emotional state healed, Yeshua (Jesus) performed many miracles and healing on the Sabbath, in particular laying down His life on the Shabbat (Sabbath).  This Shabbat is a good day to start or press the “reset” button in your walk of faith, while you still have breath in your body. 

It’s yours for the asking.   You can have the reassurance needed and have your faith built up in the knowledge and truth that the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY vindicates those in the seasons of wilderness so His deliverance will be a witness, comfort and inspiration to others that they might come to faith in Yeshua, and know and reverence their creator, ELOHIM.

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