A Tribute to My Dad, Calvin M. Thomas
by py thomas © June 16, 2013
by py thomas © June 16, 2013

To his surprise, I told him how he had a tremendous and profound impact
on my life. That if it had not been for
his example of making the profession of faith and entering into the covenant of
salvation in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), I may have not made the change
in my life. I shared with him how at 5 years old, when I saw him make a public
profession of faith and got baptized that it made such an impression on me, that
I thought if the LORD could save my Dad (who as
a little girl I used to be afraid of my Dad), then I wanted to know that
GOD, and Yeshua (Jesus) had to be real.
So the following week or so, I gave my life to the LORD. What
greater witness can a Dad give to his children by leading by example and
entering into the covenant of salvation!
My Dad laid the groundwork of faith in me (along with my Mom), and it is
because of his witness of Yeshua, that I entered into the covenant of
salvation; and later in life at 25, I began to surrender and truly submit all
of my life to the LORD; and by GOD’s grace, have continued on that path.
So on this Father’s Day, I celebrate my Dad who I love and miss dearly;
and thank GOD for seeing fit for allowing Calvin Maurice Thomas to be our
Dad. He was a man of integrity; and in
his later years became a man surrendered to Yeshua in all areas of his life – and I had the privilege of witnessing that
transformation and his transition into eternity.
I will always remember my Dad – he was truly a natural born leader and accomplished many things in his life – with one of the biggest being to finally forgive his Dad after holding a grudge against him for 70+ years, asking GOD for forgiveness for his unforgiveness. My Dad was the most influential man in my life, second to Yeshua (Jesus).
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