Friday, June 21, 2013

Thawing Out the Ice in Our Hearts

How to Kill Ice People
by py thomas
© June 21, 2013

Question:  What does an "Ice Princess or Ice Prince" think about? Answer: Is it better to be numb and dead in part of your heart and part of your brain? It certainly can prove to be a safe place, shelter and shield for unwanted intrusions. Really? Well let’s think this through a little further…

Have you ever noticed that icebergs are only surrounded by other icebergs in cold isolated places?  Is that really where you want to be?  Really?  I don’t think so.  Don’t let the actions and expressed thoughts of others put you into a freezing prison.  Warm-hearted people tend to be the target of cold-hearted liars, users, abusers, thieves, haters, backbiters, green-eye jealousy monsters, and murderers.   

There is a Way Out
Does a person’s disappointment have to travel a road leading to dislike, or worst yet strong disdain, bordering on hatred? Literally, for heaven’s sake, the answer is “no!”  Likewise, do you not know that hatred is a doorway and access way for all manner of evil to poison one’s body, mind, soul and spirit!  WARNING, GRAPHIC CONSEQUENCES AHEAD:  Choose wisely for those who border on becoming an “Ice Princess” or “Ice Prince.” 

You can break through, just as an iceberg melts and breaks through and joins the flow of the rest of the water.  Be a conduit of the “living water” that YHWH provides through His covenant of salvation we have through His son, Yeshua.  Let the Word and love of YHWH strengthen and refresh your body, mind, soul and spirit; and it will likewise do the same for others through you – just as an iceberg melts, you too melt into the hands of the Creator, Elohim. 

Ice Breeds Coldness, Impatience & Keeps Us from Life
The frost and icing factor occurs in one’s life when they are unwilling to wait and have patience.  When we’re being “icy” we fold our arms and cross our hearts when things don’t go our way; or when we are rejected, hurt, abandoned, etc.  If left unchecked an icy barricade forms around our thoughts, our emotions, feelings, attitudes, which subsequently will become the way we live our lives if left unchecked.  The scary thing about this whole process is the subtleness in which it develops.  We don’t see it happening, and by the time the icebergs in our lives are established, it seems normal and we don’t even recognize they are there.  However, the truth of the matter is that the icebergs are in fact prevalent and operating in our lives is evidenced in our comments and thoughts by the complaints and things we say things like:
·         The worship service taking too long

·         The prayers are too long – make it shorter

·         It’s too long to read, I can’t focus on the Word of YHWH, but I can focus on a ballgame, shopping, eating, making money, pursuing relationships with other people (most of whom I know I have no business dealing with)

·         Why do I need to write anything down, that’s too much of a process for me

What are we in such a hurry for, especially when it comes to the worship of YHWH, the study of His word, and talking and petitioning Him in prayer?  The impatience and disrespect we show to YHWH is truly deplorable and reveals just how much work needs to be done in our spirits in terms of being delivered from self and carnality.  What if YHWH responded to us in that manner – for instance:
1.       I know you’re sick and hurting, but I don’t have enough time to heal you – there are other things I want to do right now.

2.       I’m not writing any direction or help guides for you!  Look, you’re just going to have to be able to retain everything I require of you by memory by time you’re 6 years old, or you’ll have to suffer the consequences of My wrath against you.  I don’t feel like taking all that time to provide you with My written word about Me, creation, salvation, the traps of the Devil and eternity because I have something else I want to do right now!

3.       Oh, so you’re in a jam and have a complex legal problem facing you with the potential to send you to prison for a long time – uh, well I only have 5 minutes to give you, so make it quick – you’ll just have to figure out a way to condense a lengthy situation in 5 minutes or less, I have other things I’d like to do!

4.       Yeah, yeah, you’re taking too long to respond to My love for you, I’m only going to give you one week after you learn how to read and write to repent of your sins and come to salvation – I have other things I’d like to do, and don’t have all day to wait around on you, let alone some years…are you kidding Me!?

5.       You can’t pay your bills and want Me to help you get the money you need and give you favor with your creditors, landlords and others?  Really?  Well look, I only have about 15 minutes to give this matter any thought and consideration, which really isn’t enough time for me to do much – that’s a lot of maneuvering, and look, I have something else I want to do…so you better get crackin’…

6.       So you have a loved one that’s sick and you need some time to get there to see them before I transition them into eternity?  Uhhh well, that’s a big “no can do!”   You see, I have some other things I want to do; and My time is precious to Me, and you’re on your own on this one.  I have other things I want to do, sorry.

7.       Oh, you’re facing a medical crisis and need an organ transplant and you want Me to speed things along for you?  Uh, I don’t think so…I don’t have that kind of time to make for you.  Besides, there’s something else I’d rather be spending My time on, rather than this!  Do you realize what kind of coordination goes into situations like these?  Really!  I’m in a hurry and don’t have time for this!

So my question to you is, who do you think is behind those types of thoughts that breeds impatience in us?  Is that the work of the Holy Spirit?  Is that one of the fruits of the Spirit, impatience?   Have you considered any of the following for examples of the life-changing events associated with YHWH’s plan of salvation for us? 

a)      Yeshua did not start His public ministry until He was around 30 years of age

b)      Yeshua time on earth was solely for the will of the Heavenly Father and nothing else!

c)       Yeshua spent a lot of time praying to the Father

d)      John the Baptist’s entire life was spent proclaiming the coming of Yeshua

e)      Moses’ entire life was one of preparation to ultimately lead YHWH’s people out of bondage, lead them in the wilderness, labor in prayer for the people; go before YHWH on the mountain to receive and write down the 10 Commandments (twice!)

f)       David’s entire life from a young boy had to do with his preparation to ultimately become the King of Isra’el and to be established in accordance to YHWH’s promises

g)      The woman with the issue of blood, who had this affliction for most of her life, had to wait for Yeshua

h)      YHWH is eternity; and has a plan for us to enter into eternity.

In every instance of YHWH’s plan for our lives as it relates to our covenant of salvation, it requires an investment of our time – and the time to come to complete submission and obedience.    It is during this timely process that:

1.       we avail ourselves to be perfected and complete – to pursue holiness by being obedient sons and daughters of YHWH;  

2.       to wait on YHWH and acknowledging Him in all our ways, which can only be achieved if we make the time to study to know how we’re to acknowledge Him;  and

3.       studying His word with diligence, and diligence requires our time – lots of it. 

Just think, the more we’re feeding on YHWH’s word and growing our spirit man, the less time we’ll be spending indulging our flesh, the more we become “more than conquerors through the Messiah that strengthens us.”   (Now isn’t that an interesting concept….hmmm.)

 Additional Scriptural Considerations about Defrosting Icy Spirits & Hearts

·         A one day period with YHWH is like a thousand years to us.  We measure our lives in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years.  However, YHWH is eternity and He created the concept of time for us.  However, He operates and measures time in the eternal, with no end.  If we kept the Sabbaths, Feasts, High Holy Days and Jubilees as first given to us, our understanding of YHWH’s eternal time clock would be better understood.  However, sadly, many have strayed from His laws and commandments.

o   8 Moreover, dear friends, do not ignore this: with the LORD, one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day.  9 The LORD is not slow in keeping His promise, as some people think of slowness; on the contrary, He is patient with you; for it is not His purpose that anyone should be destroyed, but that everyone should turn from His sins. 10 However, the Day of the LORD will come “like a thief.” On that Day the heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will melt and disintegrate, and the earth and everything in it will be burned up.
11 Since everything is going to be destroyed like this, what kind of people should you be? You should lead holy and godly lives, 12 as you wait for the Day of God and work to hasten its coming. That Day will bring on the destruction of the heavens by fire, and the elements will melt from the heat; 13 but we, following along with His promise, wait for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness will be at home. 14 Therefore, dear friends, as you look for these things, do everything you can to be found by him without spot or defect and at peace. 15 And think of our Lord’s patience as deliverance, just as our dear brother Sha’ul (Apostle Paul) also wrote you, following the wisdom GOD gave him. 16 Indeed, he speaks about these things in all his letters. They contain some things that are hard to understand, things which the uninstructed and unstable distort, to their own destruction, as they do the other Scriptures. (2 Peter 3:8-16)
·         “YHWH is longsuffering and patient” with us, which results in our salvation, deliverance, healing

o   The word “longsuffering” in scripture is the English word used to describe the language behind the biblical Hebrew thought that expresses, “Bearing injuries or provocation for a long time; patient; not easily provoked” – noted in the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary used to write the original KJV transliteration of the Bible.

We “should” consider that YHWH bears our disrespect and disregard for Him in not wanting to make time for Him; or our continual provoking Him by our rebellious and sinful ways, but He is yet patience with us with the hope that we’ll choose Him over everything.  With this truth staring us in our faces, our response “should be”  that He truly loves us, evidenced by the great lengths YHWH went through to redeem us from the bondage of sin by allowing His innocent Son, Yeshua to be beaten and crucified  on our behalf, when we are the ones guilty of the sin of rebellion. (Major “SELAH” moment.)  But is this the reality we have choosen?

I have concluded that is absolutely a good thing to wait on the LORD as stated in Lamentation 3:25-33, to give my life over into His hands, because He is the only one who has a plan and a purpose for my life that will bring salvation, peace and victory. 

·         Our race of faith requires endurance, stamina and much patience

·         Dying to self daily – just how many days do you think you’ll need to be conformed into the image of Yeshua?  What?  You can’t get it all done in a week?  What’s up with that?

o   35 Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. 36 For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise:   37 “For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. (Hebrews 10:35-37)

In Yeshua’s Strong Name, a former “Dying Ice Princess,”
py thomas

Sunday, June 16, 2013

When GOD Restores Your Dad Back to You

A Tribute to My Dad, Calvin M. Thomas
by py thomas  © June 16, 2013


About 6 months before my Dad died, we were talking and he was lamenting that he felt like a failure when it came to being a Dad because of his not staying to raise us and subsequently becoming divorced from our Mom many years ago.   He said, “I haven’t done anything for you kids that have amounted to much.”  However, I corrected him and began to tell him of all the good things I remembered that he did that me and my brothers hung onto, especially our strong work ethic, plus his continual financial support even after he and our Mom divorced. 

To his surprise, I told him how he had a tremendous and profound impact on my life.  That if it had not been for his example of making the profession of faith and entering into the covenant of salvation in Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), I may have not made the change in my life.  I shared with him  how at  5 years old, when I saw him make a public profession of faith and got baptized that it made such an impression on me, that I thought if the LORD could save my Dad (who as  a little girl I used to be afraid of my Dad), then I wanted to know that GOD, and Yeshua (Jesus) had to be real.  So the following week or so, I gave my life to the LORD.   What greater witness can a Dad give to his children by leading by example and entering into the covenant of salvation!   My Dad laid the groundwork of faith in me (along with my Mom), and it is because of his witness of Yeshua, that I entered into the covenant of salvation; and later in life at 25, I began to surrender and truly submit all of my life to the LORD; and by GOD’s grace, have continued on that path.

 The other day I was in Costco and there was a vendor there selling emergency solar-powered radios and various equipment.  As I walked down the aisle away from where the vendor was, a song began to play, by Dusty Springfield, “The Look of Love.”  It brought a tremendous wave of emotion over me so much that I began to literally shake.  Why?  Because just as certain smells and images trigger memories from long ago, this song did so to me.  It brought back memories of happier times when my parents were married, and Saturday and Sunday afternoons when my Dad would be relaxed working on his photography, painting or one of his many hobbies and would be playing jazz, Cannonball Adderley and Dusty Springfield, especially “The Look of Love.”  The powerful emotion that hit me unexpectedly by this triggered emotion was almost too much for me to bear – but it was a good memory, and one that I’m thankful that the LORD allowed me to retain. 

So on this Father’s Day, I celebrate my Dad who I love and miss dearly; and thank GOD for seeing fit for allowing Calvin Maurice Thomas to be our Dad.  He was a man of integrity; and in his later years became a man surrendered to Yeshua in all areas of his life  – and I had the privilege of witnessing that transformation and his transition into eternity.

I will always remember my Dad – he was truly a natural born leader and accomplished many things in his life – with one of the biggest being to finally forgive his Dad after holding a grudge against him for 70+ years, asking GOD for forgiveness for his unforgiveness.  My Dad was the most influential man in my life, second to Yeshua (Jesus).

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Was Beaten Beyond Recognition

I Was Beaten Beyond Recognition
by py thomas
© June 6, 2013

Isaiah 53:5

Many of you don’t know it, but I am a survivor of extreme domestic violence.  I was beaten beyond recognition.  Many of you have been too, but are in denial.  Here’s my story and I hope it helps those who are being beaten daily in their personal lives and need the courage to get some help.  I did, and even many of the scars that I had have vanished both on the outside and inside of my heart and emotions.

I have experienced the result of a former life of sin that left me almost unrecognizable – basically, beaten beyond recognition.  It was mirrored in my outward appearance, behavior, lifestyle (which in reality was more of a death sentence vs. lifestyle); what I said and thought.  At times it was a combination of some or all.  Each area pointed to the evidence of my being beaten and the destructive impact from a life of sin.  Sin is the original perpetrator of domestic violence.  Left unchecked, sin’s assault on a person ultimately leads to spiritual, physical and eternal death.

Even those of us who have been physically abused, it was sin driving the perpetrator to do these things to us.  They were in the darkness which comes from sin; and therefore ruled and influenced by darkness of sin.

From the beginning, the sin of rebellion against YHWH (GOD) was started by a lie.  Satan lied to a third of the angels that he (Satan) should be worshipped instead of YHWH; and next he lied to Adam and Eve and seduced and tempted them to also rebel against YHWH.    Because Adam and Eve believed the lie and acted on it, we their descendants inherited their sinful nature. 

The million dollar question is, “Do you choose to still believe the lie until it beats you beyond recognition, or make the choice to make peace with your Creator, ELOHIM, the Righteous Judge and Creator?  Remember that the seduction of lies is clever and masquerades and disguises itself in interpersonal relationships (all types), lusts, ambitions, material wealth, success, fame, and pride.  It chips away at you so subtlety that you don’t even realize how badly you have been beaten, robbed and cheated.  In some cases, it appears that its almost too late to do anything about it.  But if you’re still breathing, you have a chance for full recovery.  Take it from me, one who knows from personal experience.  Yes, I cried many times, I was tired of myself and the poor and bad choices I seemed to make over and over again.  But I found hope, deliverance, healing and the most phenomenal peace that far surpasses human understanding from YHWH through Yeshua (Jesus). 

In considering the domestic violence that is being perpetuated against you, have you stopped and considered that all of our sins were perpetuated upon Yeshua; and literally resulted in Him being beat beyond recognition on our behalf for our behalf, as prophesized in Isaiah 53:1-12?  Did you know that Yeshua was willing to be lied on, falsely accused and beaten so that we could be saved and delivered from the penalty of sin (which is eternal death)?  For this reason, we OWE HIM A LOT OF GRATITUDE AND THANKSGIVING!  We would be foolish not to accept this awesome gift of mercy, grace and forgiveness offered in the covenant of salvation -   the good news of the gospel of salvation. 

As a survivor and more than a conqueror through Yeshua, I know that we can all choose life and that everlasting, instead of continuing as a victim of domestic violence – daily being beaten by sin beyond recognition, and ultimately dying and dying eternally.  We can be restored, forgiven and molded into YHWH’s original created purpose – that we “be holy as He is holy.”  We can become recognizable by the seal and promise of the Holy Spirit we have access to through our confession of faith in Yeshua’s death and resurrection, acknowledging that apart from Him, we are sinners in need of forgiveness and redemption.

But GOD!  YHWH has given us His word to be the confession of our lips when attacked by the father of lies and author of confusion, Satan, by telling that liar what YHWH has said, “But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” (Revelation 21:8).

Once we surrender and enter into the covenant of salvation, we can now tell that liar Satan, with the God-given authority YHWH’s truth:

28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love GOD, to those who are the called according to His purpose. 29 For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.

God’s Everlasting Love

31 What then shall we say to these things? If GOD is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God’s elect? It is GOD who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is the Messiah who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of GOD, who also makes intercession for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of the Messiah? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? 36 As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”

37 Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. 38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, 39 nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Again, the million dollar question is, “Do you choose to still believe the lie until it beats you beyond recognition, or make the choice to make peace with your Creator, ELOHIM, the Righteous Judge and Creator?