Thursday, May 9, 2013

Meeting the Conditions of Prayer


Conditions of Prayer

by py thomas
© May 9, 2013

Can we believe partially and expect to have whole faith?  What have we believed; and what have we cast aside?  In our casting aside and dismissing various parts of the word of the YHWH (the LORD GOD), we have also (unknowingly) have cast aside part of the faith that is included in being pleasing to YHWH; and knowing how to pray in accordance to His will that our prayers are answered. 
In our partial obedience, and partial faith, we can only "partially" glorify the YHWH; and we can only "partially" love one another.  We therefore prohibit our ability to become one with Yeshua (Jesus), who is one with YHWH; and therefore we are found to be partially “like-minded “in Yeshua; and with each other.  
Our prayer life suffers tremendously when we have not allowed YHWH to give us His desires for our hearts, in exchange for our casting aside our natural desires.   Additionally, Yeshua says that we should make our petitions and prayers by faith:
"So Yeshua answered and said to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith and do not doubt, you will not only do what was done to the fig tree, but also if you say to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ it will be done. And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.”  (Matthew 21:21-22)
However, what is our faith suppose to be in?  It’s supposed to be based on the YHWH’s will, which is made known to us through His word.  One needs to consider what they believe about YHWH.  But, how will they know apart from surrender to first wanting to know, secondly, studying His word; and thirdly and even more importantly, APPLYING His word to their lives?  Sadly, they won’t know. 
Of course there is an alternative - another choice one can make - they can choose to deceive themselves – go into denial and tell themselves, it doesn’t take all of that and do nothing; and their prayer life will amount to the same, nothing.  Selah (seriously consider).
So how does one develop an "effective" prayer life?  They must first come to a place of utter despair of doing things their way and from their own perspective -  to be willing to unleash and let go of "their" desires, and surrender to a willingness for YHWH to replace their desires with His desires/His will. 
Again, His will is the perfect will, so why would He answer a prayer that is outside of His will – do you really think YHWH will side with corruption when He is holy?   Thus, one of the conditions to an effective prayer life is the surrender/the act of dying to self, the “nevertheless let Your (YHWH’s) will be done.” 

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