Problems, Got Racism, Got Sin? Get Torah
– Get Y'shua
by py thomas
© December 4, 2014
by py thomas
© December 4, 2014
Here's my two cents worth
on Ferguson, New York City and all the other places on this planet where the SIN of racism is rampant. I've read and
heard people talking about "raising their hands" as a sign/gesture of
what happened to the young man killed in Ferguson. Well, I say that while
you're lifting your hands up...lift them up to ELOHIM - Creator & Righteous
Judge (GOD)’s time for the true Followers of Y'shua (Jesus) to fast and pray...we know what the Word of YHVH says about
spiritual warfare...we're not fighting flesh and blood...but powers &
principalities... Here's your big chance to put all your learning into
action...many are called, but few will enter in...Which will you be?
“A prudent
man forsees evil and hides himself; The
simple pass on and are punished.”
(Proverbs 27:12)
(Proverbs 27:12)
Prudent 6175
(6191) – Hebrew word, “aruwm (aw-room)”; to be very aware, to
deal subtilly
o SUB'TILLY, adv. Thinly; not densely.
1. Finely; not grossly or thickly.
2. Artfully; cunningly; craftily; as a
scheme subtilly contrived.
Forseeth (Foresees) 7200 – Hebrew word, “raah (raw aw); to see (discern, perceive,
· Hides 5641
– Hebrew word, “cathar (saw-thar)”; to hide by covering
· Simple 6612
– Hebrew word “pethaiy (peth-aw-ee); from 6601
to make simple in a sinister way
· Pass 5674
- Hebrew word, “abar (aw-bar)” to cross - cover and ignore; pass by
· Punished 6064 – Hebrew word, “anash (aw-nash)”;
to urge; by impl. to inflict
a penalty - condemned to punishment
· Evil 7451
(7489) – Hebrew word, “ra” (rah); from 7489, bad, adversity, calamity, hurt, trouble, wretchedness, wrong, to spoil, to make good for nothing; i.e. bad physically or morally.
Making it Plain & Keeping
it Simple
A "very aware" person is able to discern evil and has the wisdom to hide
themself with the covering of YHVH. So what
makes a person to be “very aware?” Only
YHVH’s Word – His Torah makes men wise – to be very aware.However, those who have been seduced into sinister-like thinking (blinded by the ruler of darkness of this age – the simple) willfully cover, ignore and then pass into evil without a thought; and because of this, will be condemned to punishment. Otherwise known as one who has formed a reprobate mind – a mind sealed in the transgression of their sin – no longer able to even discern that area of their life as sin - its when YHVH is no longer speaking to them about their sin. (Its what I called "signed sealed & delivered to eternal death).
Without the Ruach speaking to us, we are left to our own devices, which sadly is the fallen sin nature we were born with. There is no hope for change or redemption once we go down the slippery slope of the reprobate mind - it is when our rebellion is so extreme, that we call the abominable/profane holy, and the holy profane/abominable. The subtlety of a reprobate mind, is that because they can still discern right from wrong in other areas, yet they still think the sin they’ve embraced is no longer sin, but calling that which is wrong, right. A good example of this would be the false justification for abortion (murder of innocent life); yet trumpet the rights of animals being treated cruelly. Another would be the false justification of sexual immoral sins (fornication, homosexuality, bestiality, adultery, incest), yet believe in being good stewards over the environment…get the point?
This proverb is directly telling us that it is only a person who is aware
and in tune with truth (YHVH’s WORD) that can discern evil. There is no (truthful) discernment apart from
the Ruach; there is no Ruach apart from Y’shua; and there is no Y’shua without
the Father YHVH. One can only recognize and
take the correct action against evil with the discernment of the Ruach. That is why the “prudent” know where and who
to go to for protection/covering from evil, and those who practice evil.
The Conclusion of the Matter
Are you prudent, or simple?
Will you take note and discern the seasons we’re experiencing in
connection with what the prophets of YHVH have left on record for us; and likewise
respond with the call to fast and pray?
Or, will you be simple, take on the behavior of the rebellious and
continue to go in the way of lying and foolishly think you will escape
punishment from the One who created all things (including you)? If you’re alive and reading this today, you have
a chance to begin with this…
My son, do not forget My Torah, and let your heart watch over My commands; 2For
length of days and long life and peace they add to you. 3Let not kindness
and truth forsake you – Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of
your heart, 4Thus finding
favor and good insight In the eyes of Elohim (G-d) and man.
5Trust in
YHVH with all your heart, and lean not on
your own understanding; 6Know
Him in ALL your ways, and He makes ALL
your paths straight. 7Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear YHVH and turn away from evil. (Proverbs