Does Your Life
Depend on It?
by py thomas
© March 6, 2014
by py thomas
© March 6, 2014
The wise shall inherit glory,
But shame shall be the legacy of fools. (Proverbs 3:35)
There is no wisdom apart from the Word of YAH (the great I AM). What will be your legacy, glory or shame? Selah (worth your serious contemplation).
To bring an offering is a battle, because it’s the battle of obedience against our self-will and not sacrifice. When YHWH called Moshe, Moshe had to initially battle his own thoughts and ideas on how he would fulfill the call on his life by YHWH. Moshe knew he had been chosen, recognized the affliction on his people Israel at the hand of the Egyptians; he had perspective from both the Hebrews and the Egyptians because he was raised as the grandson of the Pharaoh; and he had the passion and zeal to do it. Yet, it would be 40+ years later before Moshe would begin to serve in the call he was placed. Why? Because every call of YHWH on our lives requires preparation.
Preparation to fulfill YAH’s call on our lives begins with our surrender to study YHWH’s Word. Yet, we study, but have we learned? If we have learned from our studying, have we rightly applied it in truth? Or, do we just continue studying, but never really learning anything? The proof of what we have in fact learned is witnessed and is a testimony found in our daily attitudes.
When we study without learning, we will soon find ourselves
in a state of boredom, doubtful or skeptical about the content; and become
easily distracted. Why? Because the pursuit of truth will always be
shadowed with the stalking of sin that yields death. Thus, Godly wisdom encourages us to be
mindful of the seduction of sin, and that the war for man’s soul continues.
If we say we fear YAH, then do we consider His laws and
commandments? If we say we fear YAH, do
we keep His Sabbath? If we say we love
YAH, have we brought the offering of obedience to His altar – laying our own
lives down as a temple of obedience? If
we say we love both the Father and the Son, yet there is unforgiveness in our
hearts, we have lied to ourselves and others.
It is the love of YHWH and Yeshua that has been merciful towards us, in that we have been spared for getting what we truly deserve. So how much more should we love one another to the point that we’re willing to forgive those who have, hurt, lied, offended, deceived, and despitefully used us? Answer: Just as much as Yeshua has forgiven us for the same offenses of sin.
The reality that tomorrow is not promised to anyone is the
evidence that Godly wisdom has spoke and we have heard. From hearers to doers, we find the benefit
in living like you know your eternal life depends on it.

What is to be done when your neatly packaged world comes
face-to-face with what lies beneath the surface of those who have died to self
and have become all things to all men that some might be saved? Those are the warring prophets, evangelists,
watchmen and teachers of truth that are required to be made bare before all –
who seek only the approval of YHWH – are not men pleasers, nor follow the
traditions of men. These are those whose
seek opportunities to exercise their ministry of reconciliation given to ALL
followers of Yeshua.
18And all matters are
from Elohim, who has restored us to favor with Himself through
(Yeshua) Messiah, and has given us the service of restoration to favor,
19that is, that Elohim was in Messiah restoring the world to favor unto
Himself, not reckoning their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of restoration to favor.
20Therefore we are envoys
on behalf of Messiah, as though Elohim were pleading through us. We beg, on
behalf of Messiah: Be restored to favor with Elohim. 21For He made
Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the
righteousness of Elohim. (2 Corinthians 5:18-22)

ways – He (YAH) will make your crooked pathways straight
No ways
– YAH is thee “Way Maker’ – He specializes in making a way out of no way – He spoke
creation into being from nothing – how much more so can He speak and send His
Word into our situations of life – is He not Yehovah Yireh our provider?; and
Any ways - whether we are going in the right way,
sideways or the wrong way, it requires a response from us – one of praise,
worship and thanksgiving for the right way; or one of considering our ways
before a Holy GOD when we’re sideways; or one of godly sorrow, woe and regret when
we are
brought to the place of confession, forgiveness, cleansing and
5 Trust in Adonai with all your heart;
do not rely on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him;
then he will level your paths.
do not rely on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him;
then he will level your paths.
7 Don’t be conceited about your own wisdom;
but fear Adonai, and turn from evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and give strength to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)
but fear Adonai, and turn from evil.
8 This will bring health to your body
and give strength to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)